Part 2

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A/N I found yhis picture of a girl, i thought lets use this for Arizona but you can imagine her as who you want her to be, Also enjoy reading <3

Wheels comes up to Arizona.

Wheels: "hey my name is wheels, You probably think my legs are too weak so thats why im in a rollchair but they are actually to strong, Whats youre name?''

Arizona's POV:

That kid seems nice. Likes to talk but nice.

A: "Arizona"

Wheels: "Alright Arizona Let me introduce you to the rest.''

Then a boy spoke he had brown hair and brown eyes.

??: "I think Missy should do that she is the leader after all."

You can literally hear the sarcasme drip. A girl round my age spoke up that i think is Missy.

Missy: ''Can you shut up i literally saved us last time so why do you still hate me?''

??: ''I dont hate you''

Missy: ''But youre never nice to me''

??: ''Correct''

Missy: ''Why not"

??: ''Because youre annoying!''

A/N Does someone recognize the lines i used for wild card and missy's fight? LOL btw im gonna make wc the name of wildcard when he speaks.

Everyone stares at them.

Wheels: ''Can you two shut up already!!''

Then he turned to me again.

Wheels: '' So thats Missy and The boy is Wildcard, they cant stand eachother.''

A: ''Yup could see that.''

Wheels: ''Missy doesnt have powers but Wildcard does, he actually has all the powers but cant control them very good.''

WC: ''Yes i can''

Wheels: ''No you cant, just ignore him, Where was i... oh yeah, Thats Rewind he can go back in time for a few seconds and thats Fast Forward his twin sister she can go forward in time for a few seconds, they used to hate eachother but now are a great team and thats A capella she sings and can let things and people fly with her voice then we have Slow-Mo he used to be slow thats where his name came from but now learned to control his powers, he can go slow whenever he wants and he can go fast whenever he wants and then we have the.......''

Bro that kid should breathe he just said all that in just one breath.

A: '' You should take a breath, was that me or did he just say all that in one breath?''

??: ''Yeah hes a fast talker, Im guppy by the way, i can let water fly and i have sharkstrength.''

Is that a child? sharkstrength i think shes sharkboys kid.

Wheels: ''You already met guppy, then we have noodles he can stretch himself like literally.''

Suddenly some boy came over to me but only with his wait is that a head, this keeps getting creepier.

Wheels: ''And lastly thats Face-Maker, He can change in other people and makes the craziest faces, and uhmm whats youre name again?''

A: ''Arizona''

Wheels: ''Alright Arizona do you have any powers?''

Everyone looked at you.

A: ''Yes i do.''

Everyone started asking questions except for wildcard and Missy.

''How old are you?''

''Where are you from?''

''What are youre powers?'''

''Who are your parents?''

Is this an interview or something? Well lets answer the questions then.

A: ''Im 14 year old, Im from here, My powers are water and fire my eyes turn red when im using fire and blue when im using water my normal eye color is green, And i dont have parents.''

The last thing i said without emotion.

A/N Thats it for today, Thank you for reading and can you let me know if you like it so far or if you have any tips maybe.

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