The whole ride to airport to settling in the private airplane was Sam and Wanda messing around, Sam and Natasha would argue over almost everything while Steve and Vision looked at them helplessly. As they settled in their seats, Steve checked on them to make sure Sam and Natasha weren't close, while Wanda and Vision sat next to each other and Natasha sat opposite to him. He sat back and took a book out to read and didn't pay much attention to rest of them during the take off. The last thing that got his attention was Sam yelling back at them, joking that he hoped the flight wouldn't crash, cause if he was gonna die with the black widow he'd rather be tangled in her tights like Barnes than be in a crash. Natasha had rolled her eyes and promised him she'd tangle him as soon as they reach the ground. Just then, Steve had decided he'd better start reading than think about who was gonna be tangled with Natasha's tights, or to be more specific, to think about her tights. Although at that point, Wanda had almost screamed at them and told them if she were to go through a four hour flight with them shouting, she'd haunt both of them in their sleeps with the worst nightmares imaginable, and that seemed to get both of them quite.

Twenty minutes after take off, Sam's snores could be heard while Wanda and Vision were whispering in a low voice which meant it was romantic, due to them going back to the compound, they would have to keep a low profile for a while and Steve didn't want to disturb them.

He had been in peace for about half an hour when a pair of feet climbed his legs to rest on his knees. He looked up to see Natasha looking at him with a playful smile but also a hint of boredom in her face.

"I'm bored, grandpa." She nagged.

"Ok, what do you feel like?" He asked, resting his book aside.

"Let's watch something." She suggested.

"Should I ask for snacks while you choose?" He asked her and a genuine smile filled her face. She nodded her head and he called the flight attendant and asked for snacks.

He moved to the seat next to her and she immediately pulled the handle up and laid her head on his chest. He gave her a shocked smile but wrapped his hand around her, pulling her closer with a satisfactory smile. They watched the movie and cuddled in peace.

"I'd never taken you for a cuddle buddy." Natasha said as the credits appeared.

"You know, everyone keeps calling me a 100 year old man." Steve said while pulling back and adjusting them to face each other. "But you all seem to forget, I was a kid from Brooklyn before that. And spending 70 years in ice doesn't really count as living." He gave her a deep sad smile.

"Steve..." she blurted and cupped his face with her hands. "I'm sorry, I never considered that." She sounded genuinely upset and sincere.

"I know Nat, and I'm fine now." He said, brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Are we gonna keep a low profile too?" She asked as his lips parted from her.

"You tell me. Are you fine with sharing?"

"I'd rather keep it for a while..." her voice trailed of and he gave her a questioning look. "I mean you haven't even showed me the super soldier serum effects." She continued with a smirk.

"Nat" he smiled and shook his head. "We'll get there."

"Really? Your not gonna get all high and say you'll show me as soon as we land?"

"No, I told you, I don't want us to hold back on our first time." He replied and pulled her back in a hug. He didn't get to see the look on her face.

Natasha was confused. She had never felt both respected and wanted at the same time. She placed her head on his shoulder and clung to his shirt until they landed and she had to let go, she didn't want to, just had to.

Surrounded By You ~RomanogersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt