Chapter 14: Space

Start from the beginning

I transport back to the roof so I can float myself towards space, trying to stay lined up, so I connected the broadcast device with the receiver. Given the omnidirectional broadcast of the satellite, I can tell I am heading towards it. I wish I could make a two-way device, but we did not have the needed components. Therefore, we knew I might drift off direct alignment and lose signal on the way there. But focusing on the signal should lead me back into alignment. With a two-way signal, Debbie could warn me as the signal degraded. Eventually, air can not push me higher. I use extra air transported from home as a jet to push me into outer space, which I automate for future use. I automate it to push air in the opposite direction I wish to travel. When I get to the satellite, I mount the device I carried.

I perform for the camera using air to move in all directions. After a few minutes, I transport back home. Here, I can not place the air filling my destination where I left, as it does not belong in space, so I put it near the Kármán line. Glad to be back in touch with Debbie, I ask how the test went. She stated it was perfect. She received video most of the way up and is still receiving. I head to lunch with Debbie, shipping my short aerobatic activity video to Dan.

Dan is watching the video as I sit down. I think to Dan, ‘Debbie has a list of things we need to order waiting for your approval. We plan on cameras around the planet to watch for their arrival. We are still working on a Bluetooth solution to keep us connected to her while in space.’

Dan replies, ‘this is good. Being able to transport into space gives us a chance to prevent their landing.’

The food is served, so we eat our cold cut sandwiches. I respond, ‘from my point of there was no difference from being here. Limited gravity was like dropping for a landing as an eagle. It was simple to use air to control myself, just like floating. I suggest combat in space as soon as possible. We should go on a date to celebrate.’

Dan laughs in my mind. ‘Where are you taking me?’

I smile, ‘given my limited knowledge, I suggest you pick. The only restaurants I know can not compare to those you use.’

Dan smiles, ‘Spain and another language.’

Thanks to Debbie I respond, ‘si, mi esposo’ or yes, my husband. I skim a dictionary of words with Debbie pronouncing them. That was one of Jane’s suggestions, but activities limited my getting to it. Truthfully, I did not need to, as Debbie could translate what I do not understand and give me the words to say. But, I actually love learning languages. We move on to phrases. The fact I speak French and have dealt with Spanish speakers before helps speed up the process for me.

After lunch, we pop to Madrid nearby to a museum, which we enter. Dan created an illusion that we were exiting the door we walked away from, so our appearance there shocked nobody. I listened to the surrounding talk, most of which made sense. Debbie gives me meaning, spelling, and pronunciations of words she detects. Both Debbie and Dan suggest grammar improvements. Debbie only when Dan ignored or missed it.

Dan and I chat in the language talking about the paintings. I never heard of the artists, but enjoyed their work. There were paintings filled with power. The artist must have pushed energy into the paint as they marked the canvas. Others only had the latent power normal for the material. Most were gorgeous to me. Dan was definitely educating me into the world’s culture.

Afterwards, we walked to a restaurant and entered. With the meal, Dan ordered a glass of wine with an extra glass. He poured a few sips into the extra and handed it to me. He toasted to our success, and we each sipped the wine. It had a strong, fruity favor. I noticed my connection to the environment slip as Dan suggested in Vienna.

Dan thought, ‘I picked this country because you can legally drink here and they do dinner later than most. Note the effect you feel. Therefore, you must always drink in moderation. Too much and your magic will betray you. What I gave you will wear off so you can get us home. This glass will prevent me from doing it for a few hours. But I enjoy the effects and I am safe with you.’

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