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Trigger Warnings: verbal, emotional, and physical abuse.

I woke up from the sun shining through my curtains, each beam slowly rising in my bedroom as the sun rises. I get up and make my bed before the maids arrive. I don't see the point of having people do simple tasks for someone when they are capable of doing it themselves. I can hear footsteps approaching my door, but before they could knock, I opened it with a smile.

"Good morning," I said to the maids. They always rush to get to my room before I wake up.

"Princess, it is our job to wake you and make up your bed." One of the maids said. They always tell me this. I don't mind making up my own bed. I won't be heir to the throne, so I need to learn how to do things myself. I run back to my bed and sit, waiting patiently for them to tell me my schedule.

"Anything happening today?" I said. I'm patient, but the silence was getting awkward. One of the maids spoke up. "You have a meeting with your mother and father today at noon." I glanced at my clock, it's six in the morning. While I think about what I plan to do with six hours of my life, the maids run me a bath. I feel someone gently grab my hand and lift it. I look over to one of the younger maids. "Your bath is ready." I nod and walk to the bathroom.

Before I get undressed, I let them know that they are dismissed. I get awkward when people watch me undress or see me naked. I'm not that type of girl to show off too much skin, mainly because my mom ingrained into me that it was unladylike. They let me know that a set of clothes will be out laying on the bed when I am done with my bath. I get undressed and let the hot water absorb my body.

After my bath, I walk to my room to see what outfit they have picked for me. It was a mid-length, chiffon dress with matching heels. Before I leave my room, I put on the dainty diamond ring my father got me. I look at the time to see that it was 7:30, breakfast is served at 8. I quickly get dressed and ready in thirty minutes. I gracefully speed walked, since running is not allowed for Princesses: my mom made that rule. When I made it to the dining hall, no one was there, not even my brother. I was fairly confused since we all ate together for every meal at the same time every day. I walked up to the table to see a note addressed to me.

We will be in the tea room eating breakfast. We have guests, so walk in gracefully.

I smiled at the note. My mom was my best friend beside Akito. She taught me how to properly fix people's injuries. She also taught my studies. The closer I got, the louder the voices were. I could hear a mix of laughter: it was nice to hear. I opened the doors and saw my family sitting across from four boys. One looked around my brother's age, maybe older. The other three looked like my age: one had brown hair with green eyes and the other two looked like twins. My mom signaled me to come in and sit next to her.

I sat down and greeted them.

"Hi. I'm Asteria Mori." I shook each of their hand as they introduced themselves. The older one spoke first.

"I'm Kita Shinsuke. Pleased to meet you, your highness." I gave Kita a small smile. The next one was one of the twins.

"I'm Atsumu Miya, and that's Osamu Miya. We are twins." I watched him point to the guy next to him. I look at the last one.

"Suna Rintaro, your highness." I gave a slight nod and looked at my parents. I was beyond confused. Should I know these people? They are around my age. My mom could tell I was confused and decided to inform me of the situation.

"Sweetheart, these four are apart of the Kitsune Clan." If I wasn't confused before, I am now.

"Mom, what's the Kitsune Clan?" I knew of certain clans and alliances, but I've never heard of them.

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