Chapter 5: All That Awaits

Start from the beginning

"Alright school, I'm down."

"So this my humble abode, that I recite in for my college career." Keyana said quickly twirling around her apartment showing it off to us. She had a very vibrant personality, I loved the girl already. Could tell I was going to be hanging with her too besides just Elijah and Rayona.

"So, I don't mean to get in all ya'll business. But since I am going to the movies with ya'll you know. I would hope this question isn't crossing the line. So who is this Elijah we speak of?" She questioned as she flopped down on a chair at her dinning room table. She had her chin, leaning on her fist. As she sat with a intriguing look on her face, waiting for an answer from one of us.

"Some dude that got a crush on my cousin and won't fully admit it." Rayona said in a matter of fact tone.

"Rayona, Elijah doesn't like me like that. We're just friends and friends only." I was personally serious about what I said. Shoot, he said it himself it has been a while since he been able to be cool with anyone. He was working like crazy when he first got here and hadn't, had time for a real friendship until now. So he was happy to know we were just cool people he could just vibe with easily.

"Girl, stop lying. You like him too. So match made in Heaven neither of you will admit ya'll feelings towards one another." Rayona said rolling her eyes at me.

Did I find Elijah attractive? Indeed I did, I was attracted to him physically. Based off of appearance alone, but me liking the way someone looks didn't mean I like them like that. No, Elijah didn't have a bad personality and was actually a great person in my life so far. But I also still didn't know him that well to know if I could honestly like him more than a friend. So I honestly could say I liked him, I wasn't lying. Elijah could be a wonderful friend but possibly a horrible person to be in something more than that with. I didn't know nor did I have the desire to even consider more with him.

Pass the fact of me finding him attractive and when I say attractive I meant I found him handsome. Which he entirely was which was perfectly okay for a friend to notice. I feel like anyone with working eyes or good glasses could tell the man was easy on the eyes. Even Rayona and doesn't mean she liked him or anyone else. Shoot made she did and wanted to pin it on me.

"Rayona I'm going to keep telling you day and day out. I don't like Elijah in that way. Especially since I don't know him enough to even consider as more than a friend. Great guy and I will admit I think he's handsome and that's it. But shoot, you mentioned that he was too after we left to go back home to Michigan. So do you like him?" I was personally messing with Rayona because she was trying to pin unmonitored feelings that I wasn't even sure I had on me. I couldn't even tell right now if I would consider a relationship with Elijah. I've haven't known him long enough to know how I feel and if there is anything to feel.

"Ah, come on." Rayon said dramatically as she through her hands up in the air.

"I've known Elijah two weeks in person and a month of a maybe a week of us talking over the phone and Facebook. Keeping up with each other through Facetime. I have not known this guy enough to know if I like him more than a friend or not. So I would appreciate if you would stop trying to push more on me. I would like to get the chance to just know him as a friend for a few months." It wasn't bothering me that she kept bringing it up. It's also just I didn't want to talking in circles. I didn't know what more she wanted for me to say. Because at the moment this all I could give about how I feel about Elijah.

"You must know something he doesn't know and that's why you're trying to push on her." Keyana laughed at us.

"Oh why would you say such a thing?" Rayona questioned with a devious grin upon her face.

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