3. The Lady and her Knight

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It's been two months since I got reincarnated in Lovable Flowers, the boy that reincarnated me didn't even bother to communicate with me like he promised. After sleeping, I magically obtained Iris's past memories. But some of the memories were blurred, as if someone blocked them from me and Iris's mind. I didn't brought this up to Irisviel and my Parents though. I didn't want them to get worried, plus what if they hired a person that has the ability to read minds? Then my cover as a reincarnated person will be blown!

I actually find it odd that my Parents are more friendlier than in the game, and I find it more odd that Ichiro is my body guard. Even though in the original, Iris was only a pest to Ichiro. They've met when they were attending the Prestigious school of Magic. Alteria Academy, the Academy where all The Male Leads gather. Since I obtained Iris's past memories, I now know the rules and regulations of this world. It made me adapt faster than usual. Though it was difficult at first since the memories were overwhelming.

Also the alliciances that Irisviel was talking about months ago was a success! We successfully formed an alliace between two families. The Dela Claire and the Tresor Family. News spread about this sudden alliance in our community, and most of the Houses were uncomfortable about this. I mean, who wouldn't? Two powerful families forming ties with a family that was second to the Royal family. Ha, what a deal!

"Lady Iris, the macarons are ready. Should I put whip cream on top? I know you like it."

A gentle voice said, it made me snap out of my train of thought and looked up at Ichiro who was holding tray full of pastel blue and pink macarons. Ah, I forgot me and Ichiro were baking pastries. If you all are wondering if me and Ichiro get's a long well for the past two months, my answer is a yes. Surprisingly, I didn't die yet by the hands of the two male leads. Even more surprising is me and Ichiro were like Best friends. Since Irisviel has become more busy with Father. Ichiro was with me the whole time.

I smiled at Ichiro and nodded.

"Yes please, be sure to put them in the pink ones. Wait..where's the red macarons?"

I asked looking at the blue and pink macarons, Ichiro chuckled. He placed the tray of macarons on the table and pointed at the crimson red macarons that was carefully placed in a cupcake holder stand. I gasped when I saw the decoration of the red macarons, Ichiro decorated it. It had multiple golden hearts on the macarons.

I quickly stood up and admired the macarons, my eyes shinning brightly. I quickly looked over my shoulder and smiled widely at Ichiro.

"I didn't know you can be this talented! Oh my god, Ichiro marry me!"

I said jumping from excitement, Ichiro's eyes widened. He blushed and looked away, rubbing his neck.

"L-Lady Iris..isn't that too early..?"

He coughed, still looking away from me. I tilted my head at him and chuckled.

"I'm joking~"

I hummed, turning my back from Ichiro, I grabbed a macaron and took a bite out of it. My eyes widened and I jumped. I turned and faced Ichiro, shoving the macaron I took a bite from.

"Ish sho gud, Ishiro!"

Ichiro looked at me and at my hand, he took a bite off of the macaron and took the pastry from me. My eyes widened when I realise what I did- I fed Ichiro- THE MALE LEAD a macaron. I don't know If I should be proud or scared. Ichiro finished the macaron and chuckled.

"It is good, good job Lady Iris."

Ichiro said patting my head, I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

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