1. A Bitter End

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"So..what do you say Miss Jackson?"

A boy at the age of eight asked me. I gave a shaky breath as his cold and empty red eyes examined me. How did this happen again..? Oh i remember...


Hello there, I'm Liliana Jackson. Before coming to this heavenly place, i was in a plaza with a friend. We were all having fun and all that- until the incident happened. It happened so fast that i didn't have time to process the events unfolding before me. Last thing i knew was pushing my friend away from a burning plank that was about to fall on her..

You know those sayings? That if you're in a life threatening situation your memories will replay itself? Yeah? Well, that's what happened to me. After pushing my friend away, all i saw was the world slowing down. The unwanted memories that i've kept hidden for many years appeared and greeted me. By the looks of it, you could prolly guess that i didn't want any bit of it.

Life was hell. It wasn't fun, i despised it. I grew up in a well off family that was able to provide me with everything i need. You'll probably wondering, what's so bad about that? Well let me tell you this. My parents are what you call corrupt governors. These people run the US, they were always busy. Busy partying, stealing from people..it makes my stomach turn when the people in the country looked up to them as if they were gods.

After finding out that my Mother was pregnant, my Father was so happy that'll he'll finally have the son he always wanted. The son he wants to play ball with, the son he wants to teach how to treat girls right with..When he found out that my Mother was pregnant with a girl, all his excitement and happiness vanished. It turned to disgust and shame instead.

After giving birth to me, i was discarded in our luxurious mansion. My Father showed clear  signs that he didn't want me going near him or his Wife. As soon as this news spread in our house hold, the maids and butlers treated me like trash. The started stealing from me, numerous paintings and jewelries has gone missing in my bedroom. Many of the guards reported this to my parents but all they did was shrug it off. It was clear from the start that i'll grow up without any drop of love and affection from my two parents.

I was thrown into this world, as an unwanted child. I was left with no choice but to grow up mentally. I started to take care of myself like my parents should've been doing. I figured, if i do something good..they'll finally notice me and love me. That's what i did. I studied hard, my name was always on top of the school leader board. I worked hard on my talents as well, dancing and singing. Painting and drawing, you name it. I tried my best to be the perfect daughter for my Parents, even though i know i'm far from one.

At the end of the day, after showing everything that a parent should be proud of. I miserably failed. My parents laughed at me, they mocked me. My Father even went as far to abuse me daily, saying i'm a worthless child, or how i'll never make them happy. Ha, it really bothers me on why i even tried to pursue them. It was clear that i had to chance on getting a long with them, so..why?

In the mean time, i bought a game when i was taking a break from studying. It was called "Lovable Flowers" It's an otome game, about an adopted child that has the legendary light magic. You know how the story goes! The Heroine get's bullied by the Villainess because she was a commoner that got adopted because of her powers, oh and of course! The Heroine stole all the spot light from the Villainess which made the Villainess hate her more. It doesn't end there though. The Villainess tried numerous ways to eliminate the Heroine. She tried to poison, kidnap, and assassinate the Heroine. Of course she failed and for that she was exiled from the Kingdom for attempt murder and other crime cases that was discovered later on.

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