chapter 9

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fives pov

we are on our way to y/n and allison.i want to tell her i love her, we barely talked in a few days because honestly, i think she's still mad at me, which i wouldn't blame her if she was.

suddenly i heard her voice in my head

'i love you'

something is wrong. i looked around and i think everyone else heard it too

"five can you go any faster" luther asked leaning towards me

i would snap at him, but right now y/n is my main and only concern. i gripped the steering wheel tightly and stepped on the gas.

once we arrived, i had a really bad feeling. the glass of the windows were broken, and it was too quiet. once we made it in the house, we spotted allison on the floor, bleeding from her neck.

i could feel my heartbeat getting faster. where the hell is y/n? i looked around until i spotted a window with a little blood on it. i walked slowly up to it and looked outside.

then what i saw hit me like a punch in the gut

"guys" i said not taking my eyes off y/n. all there conversations about allison stopped and luther picked her up walking closer to the window

i spatial jumped out next to y/n. tears rolled down my face as i grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse. she was cold, and now it's confirmed she is dead

"oh my god" klaus said looking at y/n
"oh my god.. oh my god" he said backing away as he repeated 'oh my god'.
"no! no!" he yelled punching the wall as heavy tears flowed like a river from his eyes

"sh-she can come back right? i mean she did last time she can do it again right? she's pow-powerful and she is so s-strong and she h-has so many powers and she just-she just is coming back right" diego said rambling to himself while tears ran down his face

luther just stood there silent as tears ran down his face holding allison

i couldn't care less about their feelings. y/n is gone

i rocked as i pulled y/n close to me as her blood still dropped onto my uniform

"please don't leave me, i need you, i love you so much you're my world. you're the only thing getting me through the apocalypse, i-i"- i stopped pulling her a little closer letting out a sob

"y/n is gone, but we can still save allison let's go" luther said bringing allison to the car with a stone expression.

diego and klaus soon followed them

"five let's go!" luther yelled growing impatient

' i can't leave her' i thought tucking hair behind her ear.

i spatial jumped into the car with y/n in my arms

the car ride was silent apart from the sobs from klaus. he's lost so much, his two favorite siblings are dead, and i felt bad for him to be honest, but i can't tell him that.
i will not be weak.

as we got "home" they rushed to grace with allison. i love allison so much, but i can't just leave y/n. i loved y/n most

i gave y/n to grace and pogo after they finished with allison.

they cleaned her up and put her in her academy clothes. then laid her on her bed. she had a few scratches on her face and hands, and a big hole in her chest that was covered by clothes, but she looked so beautiful even though she was "lifeless".

i sat at her desk looking through her things. she had so many pictures of everyone together when we were younger. i smiled at the one from the ball.

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