Chapter 43: Build-A-Son Mafia Edition

Start from the beginning

Sloppy seconds son of a bitch.

What the fuck was it with these terrifying men being so ridiculously handsome? Did Maria and Bianca hit up a Build-A-Son: Mob Edition and design their visually perfect sons with sharp jawlines, soft hair, and washboard abs? And if so, was the mob gene added for extra cost? How much was it for the Kiton suits they sewed onto their bodies?

Stupidly, I started thinking about what color eyes my kids would have if Damon were the father. Between my brown eyes and his gray, I hoped they'd get all their features from their father—dimples included.

The biggest heart in the world. The kindest soul. The most selfless person I knew.

I wouldn't include the mob gene though. Not worth the add-on price.

Focus on getting out of this shit alive, you dumb bitch.

"Sorry sweetheart, running on kind of a tight schedule here," he sneered and looked back down at his phone, texting someone. Maybe his next booty call after he dumped my body.

"I have a request," I continued. He raised an eyebrow. "Can I not have my dead body dropped in the Hudson? It's kind of nasty."

"You don't have a lot of faith in your boyfriend. What makes you think I'm not a chop you up and feed you to the wolves kind of guy?"

"The fact that there's no wolves in New York."

"I'll find some for you," he snickered down at his phone.

"Touching," I grumbled to myself. The blood from the cut on my cheek dripped into my mouth and flooded my senses with the taste of iron.

Twenty minutes into the drive, I was blindfolded and ten minutes later, I was deposited in some cold room. My hands were tied behind my back and my legs were tied to a chair but not before I kicked whoever the hell decided to move his hands way higher up my leg than necessary right in the balls.

"You'll want to save that energy, Ariadne," Matteo's voice cut through the cold air, uninterested. He pulled the blindfold off me and smirked. "You're a little devil, aren't you?"

"No, I think you took that title today," I retorted and looked away.

He laughed a hearty laugh and walked backwards in the tiny room. Cliché as fuck. I was right. A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling, illuminating the thick layers of dust that had collected on pretty much everything in sight.

"That's kind of you to say," he mused. I didn't bother to respond. He talked to someone on the phone and I could tell someone was pulling up soon.

More the merrier!

"You're wrong, you know," I told him, staring him down.

"About what?" He asked, utterly bored. Jeez. You can't be picky about the quality of company when you kidnap them. Maybe he really did want Robyn here instead of me. Tough fucking luck. I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"That Damon isn't human. He is. More than you could ever know."

My confidence waned when I said his name out loud and tears lodged in my throat. I bit my lip to hold them back, determined not to show any fear. I closed my eyes, hoping that keeping the memory of him alive and running in my brain would help me through this misery.

"That's really sweet," another voice echoed and my eyes shot open.

I knew that voice.

The voice stepped into the light and materialized into a human form as I stared, mouth gaping and in utter disbelief.

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