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So hi if people are confused about Chihiro then I will gladly tell you!!

So Chihiro is a boy in this he's just transgender. And if you don't know what that is you cam to the right place! Transgender means that you feel the opposite sex/gender. So Chihiro in this FanFic feels like a girl instead of a boy. So Taka calls Chihiro a she instead of a he.

I hopped that cleared your confused minds. if not then... google? idk.

Also you should feel proud the way your are! No madder what you feel or what gender you like! Its who you are! You shouldn't feel ashamed about that!! If people tell you that well then tell them wrong or tell them on the inside that they should really watch their mouths because they are the messed up people not accepting you! Anyways I love you an have a good night/day.

:) :) ^~^

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