Chapter One: Running Away

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-Kiyotaka Ishimaru-

After school I walked home. Today was the last day of school. But my father expects me to study still. My mother is trying to convince my father to let me have a break. But its no use. No madder how much she tries my father goes behind her back.

I sighed once I arrived at my front door step. My house was a bit big but it only had two stories.

I opened my front door and heard my parents yelling at each other. This usually happens after school when I come home. I went up stairs while my parents were arguing in the kitchen.

I then heard my mom yell.

"You don't love our son?! How do you not- He is working so hard and now your just- pushing him down and trying to forget him!?"

"We need to, Its for the best!!" My father shouted, as I heard bags being zipped up.

I started to sob... this was about me... Was it my fault? Did this happen because of me? Was I the main problem of this mess?

I ran upstairs knowing that they would hear me. I went into my room and slammed the door. I knew my father hated me... he's even packing up... I put my knees to my chest as I sat in the corner of my room. I put my hands over my eyes. I continued to sob.

After a few minutes I heard knocking on my door. "Son? Taka? Can you please open the door? Its your mother."

I obeyed, I opened the door for my mother trying to hide my swollen eyes. I could tell that she was worried. She put a hand up to my cheek.

"Kiyotaka what's the madder?" she asks me as a tear streams down my face.

"Am... am I the problem? Am... am I the- the reason your yelling? Are you gonna... leave me?" I asked her looking up in her eyes. Another tear streamed down my face.

My mother looked shocked. She knew I heard them. I mean how could I not? They were yelling. "I... You... heard..."

"Tell me the truth! Its about me, and its all my fault..." I said looking even more sad then before.

My mother just looked at me blankly and shut my door. I heard her muffle something but I couldn't here it exactly. Her blank face.... the way she looked at me. That men she didn't want to talk any more. It was true wasn't it? It was my fault... all my fault. I'm a mistake...

Later that night I decided on what to do... I need to go and escape this place. It was 10:40 pm. My mom and dad were sleeping. And I was restless....

I grabbed what I needed. Food from the cabnets. Bottled water from the fridge. And a sack to put it all in. Without thinking I went to my front door and opened it. I closed it behind me quietly. I then sighed of relief and started to walk down the sidewalk.

I heard the sound of many motors behind me. I turned around saw a big group of motorcycles behind me. The lights were bright in my eyes so I looked a head of me. I then ended up at a cross walk. I looked at the motorcycles coming by and one big truck too. The motorcycles let me go by but the cross walk. but on the opposite side the truck didn't. The truck came so fast that I was almost ran over by it.

I jumped back and fell over on my back. "Ow... geez." I say rubbing my head. I then heard walking coming towards me. I looked up and saw a kid- about my age. he had weird looking hair and purple eye? Lavender even? I wasn't to sure it was dark.

"Hey are ya ok?'' The male said.

"Y-yeah..." I say with a grunt. I got up and looked at the man. I got a closer look at him and saw he had long eye lashes. I felt myself get red a little.

"Well... what are you doing this late at night?" He asks me.

"O-oh... um... r-running away..." I say looking away feeling disappointment in myself.

"Why?" The biker asked.

"Um... w-well... personal family issues..." I answer.

"Oh well... if you need a ride I can-" He was cut off by the other bikers.

"Yo! Mondo what's taking you so long?" I heard one of the bikers shout.

"Yeah stop talking to that cute boy and come on this ride!" Another shouted

"Y-yeah!" The biker said while heading back to his bike

Cute.... Boy? Are they meaning... me? I ask myself when they drove by. The one I was talking to, that they called Mondo, did a wheely in front of me and I was surprised. Was he... showing off? If he was, I was impressed.

No no no.... that's not important. whats important is going to the woods...

I continued to walk along the sidewalk. Then soon I reached the woods. I got into the woods later on and then.


A wolf howl...

I had no where to go... and I had to be cautious of my surroundings.

I was completely lost and I was scared about it too...

I wish I never left. This is what I get for breaking a rule.


Words: 907

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