chapter seventeen

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i had fallen asleep on the car ride to the church. i wasn't dreaming about anything, it was just pitch black the whole time i was sleeping. i woke up to someone shaking me and when i opened my eyes i saw that it was dally and we were at the church. "we're here man." he said and i only groaned and nodded before getting out of the car.

we walked around the church looking for an opening so we could actually get inside. dally had found one and we both walked inside, i tried my best to be quiet so that i didn't scare pony and johnny but dally on the other hand was being quite loud. i looked down at pony, he was now blonde, and walked over to johnny. "hey blondie." i heard dally say and laugh. i walked over to where johnny was sleeping and gently shook his arm so i could wake him up, "wake up." i said and johnny slowly opened his eyes.

"how's soda been?" i immediately heard pony say. "is he upset?" he asked. "are the fuzz after us?" johnny asked and i walked over to where dally was standing. "wait one thing at a time." dally said. "are you guys hungry?" he asked the boys. "i'm starving." i told them. "you are? try baloney for four days." pony responded. "got a cancer stick?" johnny asked dally. "i do." i said and reached into my pocket, grabbing the pack and handing johnny one, he smiled and quietly thanked me before walking away. "oh uh i got something for you pony." i said and reached into my pocket, grabbing soda's note. "who's it from?" he asked and i walked over and handed it to him. "the president of the united states." i joked. "yeah, right." johnny said. "seriously?" pony asked. "no stupid, it's from sodapop." i said before i backed up. "how did he know i was here?" pony asked me. "i said i didn't know where you were but he didn't believe me." i said and shrugged before quickly glancing at dally who was lighting a cancer stick. he caught my glance and winked at me, making me blush so i looked away. "he really wanted you to get it." i said and shrugged before i moved my curly brown hair out of my face.

"what's going on with the cops?" johnny asked. "did you hear anything?" he asked. "how come you got hauled in?" pony asked, i guess soda mentioned it in the his note. "those boys at the station know me by now." dally sad before taking a smoke. "while i was there they beat it out of me that you guys were headed for texas." he told them. "they think you're in texas." i said and slightly shrugged. "texas! god!" johnny said in shock causing me to smile. "look at this guy with his hair." dally said as he winked at pony. "i know i look lousy, but don't rub it in." pony said and i rolled my eyes. "you look fine." i told him. "want to get something to eat?" dally asked. "yeah. let's get out of here." pony said.

love-hate relationship - dwOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora