chapter five

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later that night i went over to bucks' place and knocked on the door. i could hear the music and the yelling from out here. i was wearing some skinny jeans and a tight shirt that honestly didn't fit my boobs properly but i didn't care. buck opened the door, "hi lucia come in." he yelled over the loud music, i nodded and walked inside past him.

i walked past people and found dally in the back room where a bunch of people were making out. he was playing 8 ball at the pool table and smirked at me when i walked up to him. "hey beautiful." he said as he walked up to me. "oh my god." i said as i looked away from him so i didn't blush. he gently grabbed my face and made me look at him, "come on let's go get a drink man." he said and i walked over to the bar.

when i walked over i asked for a shot and was given it. i looked over to dally who also had a glass, "cheers." i said before drinking all of it. i finished the drink and put my hand over my mouth trying to gulp down the strong drink. when i looked back over to dally he was staring at my boobs, of course. "wanna do another one?" i asked referring to the shots. "sure." dally replied and looked back at the bartender.

several shots later we were both extremely drunk. "come upstairs man." dally said as he pulled me upstairs. i stumbled into his room and got into his bed. i slowly laid down before i ended up falling asleep.

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