How You Met

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It's just a normal day in the Glade, when all of the sudden, you here the familiar Greenie alarm. "Y/N! Let's go meet the Greenie!" Newt yells to you.

"Ugh. Fine. Let's go." You say back to him. Its been a few months since you've been in the Glade, and you weren't all to excited about meeting another poor shank that got thrown in here by the creators. When you and Newt arrive at the box, all the Gladers are already surrounding it. The doors open and Gally jumps into the box. "Day one Greenie. rise and shine." Gally always gives the nicest welcomes. Once the Greenie is out of the box, he looks around, and you finally see his eyes. Clueless, gorgeous, brown eyes. He walks over to you. "Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Y/N." You reply.

"Nice to meet you Y/N."


(Right after the whole, you're in a box and can't remember anything thing)

The box thing you're in opens, and you're blinded by the brightness of the sun. Once your vision comes back into focus, you see what's above you. A bunch of teenage boys. One of them jumps down to where you are and says, "Welcome to the Glade. I'm Newt." He then sticks his hand out for you to grab on. You do, and he helps you out.

"Where am I?" You ask.

"This, is the Glade."


(While Newt is giving you the Greenie tour)

"-and this is the door, leading to the maze." Newt continues.

"Maze?" You question. So far, this place is just getting weirder and weirder.

"Yup. The runners go out there and run the maze everyday to find a way out. Speaking of which, Minho's probably gonna be here soon." Almost immediately after he finishes, an Asian looking guy runs through the walls and towards you and Newt.

"Is this a girl Greenie?" He asks, clearly confused.

"The one and only." Newt says.

"Wow. This is weird." He says, right before running into the forest. I notice how is hair spiked up in the front perfectly, and if I'm putting the pieces together correctly, he was just running all day. How does he do it...


(Again, after the whole you're in a box and can't remember anything thing)

This weird box elevator thing opens at the top, to reveal a bright light. 'Did I just die?' You think. Then the brightness starts to fade, and you see a herd of teenage boys surrounding the ground above where you sitting. They just stare at you. "Anyone gonna help me out of here?" You ask annoyed. A tall guy with short hair, green eyes, and Nike swipes for eyebrows jumps into the box and says, "I'm Gally. Let's get you out of here." Then he holds out his hand, and you take it, more than ready to see what's up there. He helps you out of the box, and while the most of the boys continue to stare in shock, two come through the crowd, and one yells for everyone to get back to work. The other says he'll give you the tour. You nod, but internally wish Gally could give you the tour. You want to learn more about him.


Hi guys! This is my first post ever I'm so excited!!!! Sorry the Newt one was kinda short. If you have any dying requests for imagines or preferences just put them in the comments. Hope anyone who actually reads this liked it.


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