A new reality

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Hello everyone.Happy New Year!
I hope this year will be the best for all of us.I wish you luck, love ,health and I hope all your dreams come true.Now since it is the first day of the year I have a surprise for you that it is this chapter.I hope you enjoy.Here it is.❤❤

North's bedroom.

One week had passed since I was thrown into another reality.A reality that I didn't want to believe.A reality that I never thought it would happen to me.A reality that I wished it was just a nightmare.A reality that unfortunately is real.
I needed a break from this reality but it was impossible cause if I get a break then I won't be able to be back in this reality again.
I am broken inside and nothing can motivate me.I can't get used to the idea that I have to marry a monster like him.I don't want this, I don't want to see him again.I just want my life back, I want everything I had.I always have been a strong girl but this time, I am not that girl.
This time I feel lonely and scared from the life that is waiting me.I don't know if I have enough courage to do this.But I don't know if I have enough courage to escape too cause if I do my family will die.
I have no choice and that's why I have promised myself that I will keep fighting, I will win and I won't let it all be for nothing, even though it will be so difficult.
Anyway, these seven days I have been thinking so many differents things and I am going crazy.I didn't go out of my room for any minute.I barely ate nothing.I didn't even sleep.
I was always staring at the sky for hours until it was morning.Mom and dad tried to talk to me but I wanted just to be alone.I know that it isn't dad's fault cause he wanted to save mom's and South's life.I can't judge him without thinking twice.Anyone would do everything for their love ones.
I think I need to stop already cause I have seven days thinking the same thing and this is really driving me crazy.
So I decided to take a shower and enjoy every single day before my nightmare begin.I don't even know when we are going to get married and I don't even care or wanna know cause for one thing I am sure that I will make the impossible to not marry him this year.I need time.He can't expect to get married this year cause after all  he is forcing me.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone knocked in my door.

"Come in."-I said from bed as I put my hair in a low ponytail.

It was South.He had a small smile in his lips.He came in front of me and then took a seat next to me.
Without saying anything he hugged me.

"Sorry for what is happening to you.Sorry for not being able to protect you.Sorry for not being there when they kidnapped you."-he whispered in my ear with a desperate voice.

I broke the hug and I made him look at me by grabbing his face.I looked into his blue eyes and I saw nothing but sadness and a big anger.I felt bad.I didn't want South to feel guilty about what is happening to me.

"It's not your falut South.Stop blaming yourself for something that it has not to do with you."-I said as I tried to make him understand that what is happening has nothing to do with him and especially it isn't his fault for this.

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