Collection 2

26 0 0

Prompt 04

The priest's tattoos writhed, as if they were alive or there were ropy, lashing parasites beneath the skin.

Prompt 05

A mask made of all kinds of parasites suspended in wax. Two wicks are mounted above the eyes. If lit, the parasites will reanimate as they are freed from the melting wax.

Prompt 06

Several human hearts taken from hospital waste vats slowly begin weeping, not blood, but amniotic fluid and increase in size, and gradually display movement.

Prompt 07

Robed cultists in masks that cease to exist and evaporate if their masks are ever removed.

Prompt 08

A building that drinks minute amounts of blood from everything that touches the walls.

Horror Story PromptsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang