Chapter 8: The Most Faithful Student

Start from the beginning

Solar Flare said no and replies with "We're heading to the helicopter now. We'll be there shortly."

I grab my helmet and clip it to my hip saying "Great. Just stay away from her and stay on the line."

We all then heard Demetria in the background "We're running away now. And-" and explosion rang out.

"Everyone be quiet, whisper." Grayson said looking around the table.

"Shit." I say reloading my guns and checking over Luna's, Grayson's, my own, Skulls, Sky's, Jewels, and even Rosas armor.

We then heard one soldier in the background yell "You two, come this way. Hide in here. The ten of us will take care of the threat." He was clearly human.

Solar Flare gulped and replies "I'm thankful I stayed back evacuating everyone. But I didn't think I'd be in a near death situation while trying to help."

Hearing a loud creepy laugh and the sound of hooves with dragging chains, my body turns ghost white. Everyone in the hanger fell silent. This was so creepy even Cynder got scared and almost cried. The two kids even hid behind Sunset and Sundawn.

We then heard Demetria say into the phone "Fuck. We have to go. She's coming for us. She used her magic to blow up the helicopter and close all exits. Twilight turned on the lock down protocol, so all windows are blocked! We have to go."

The call then ended, signifying that they hung up. "Tia. Take care of the people staying back. Whoever is coming with follow me now!"

While me, Grayson, Luna, Skull, Jewel, Sky, and Rosa ran, Rosa called for two helicopters, luckily they had two of them ready.

"Be careful out there sweetie!" Yelled Tia as she stood up.

I look back at her and put on my helmet saying "No promises. We may have to kill your prized pupil."

Running out of the hanger I immediately see a helicopter signaling us to get in. All of us hopped into the helicopter and took off. With the second one behind us having a few Spartans and two soldiers we tried to hatch a plan.

"Luna. Book?" I say pointing at her. Looking around everyone got in their seats and strapped in.

She nods in response and finishes buckling in. Luna says while making the spell book appear using her magic "Yo pilot, let's hurry it up!". The pilots smiled and said a simple "Yes ma'am." And signaled the helicopter behind us to kick it into high gear.

I look over at Rosa and say "Remember the spell and the plan to return the Tantibus into its page?"

Rosa jumps in her seat and looks up at me. "Yes dad."

Skull uses his powers to rearrange his gear while saying "What's the plan?"

Grayson opens his helmet and says over the coms "Everyone will do as their told. Got it?"

Everyone nods and either says "Yes sir." If they weren't apart of the family. He continues "If this is Princess Twilight we have to take her down without using bullets. Then we have to extract the Tantibus without it getting away. If it comes down to it, we will, and I repeat, we will draw blood from Princess Twilight if we have too."

I shake my head in confusion saying "What?! Like kill Twilight? She's still a Princess. The reason why not many people remember her is because she was on vacation."

Luna chuckled and said pulling the rack on her pistol to chamber a new round "Yeah. People and ponies still remember her alright. Anything very very serious will go to us, that's why there's always dangerous missions that we go on."

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