1- Coming Home

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Hermione Granger boarded the train to Hogwarts for her last year alone, unable to find her friends. As she walked through the small corridors of the train, dodging out of the way for other people, she smiled faintly to herself at the events she's been through, and it all started in a certain carriage, in this very train, seven years ago.

Hermione knocked and waved through the window. Harry and Ron perked up and smiled, wide ones, and Harry opened the door immediately, pulling her inside and engulfing her into a hug.

"Woah! Hey Harry! I missed you too!" She said chuckling, hugging back.

"I just missed you so much. Can you believe it?-" He said letting go of her. "-we're going to be experiencing our first normal year?" Harry said happily. Harry had every right to be happy about this. She smiled and nodded, then looked awkwardly at Ron. It brought her back to after she had been petrified, meeting the boys in the great hall.

"Hello Ron, how was your holidays?" Hermione asked, setting her bag above her and sitting down across from him, next to Harry. The train started moving slowly, and she saw all the different kinds of witches and wizards wave goodbye to their children.

"It was great, actually." He smiled nervously."- I got to work at the joke shop and Fred and George showed me the ropes. It was fun but I like quidditch a bit more." He said finishing. Hermione just nodded understandably and had gotten out her book, and a comfortable silence fell in the compartment.

There was a small faze where Hermione did like Ron, of course she did, but it was only a small crush. I guess she saw all her friends meet new people, she felt that she had to like someone, and Ron was there. Ron didn't really show any signs of liking her back, except in the Chamber of Secrets, where they did have a small moment, and it looked like he was about to lean in, but she looked to the floor quickly and brushed herself off.

She didn't really regret it, she didn't think anything would last between them, and was happy she still had her first kiss to save for someone she truly liked.

"Hey!" Ginny said opening the door abruptly, startling them.

"Oops, sorry! Anyway, come Hermione, I missed you!" Hermione smiled at her and got up, hugging her tightly.

"And take your bag, you're going to come to a compartment with me." Ginny said turning around.

"Hey, but she's with us!" Ron contested. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"She has friends that are only boys, let her have some girl time Ronald." She said irritated and took one of Hermione's bags, walking out. Hermione looked awkwardly to them.

"Sorry! But I need to catchup with Ginny." Hermione nodded and left slowly. "Seeya!" Harry said happily going back to his newspaper.

"But what about catching up with us?" Ron muttered, looking out the door where she had left.

Hermione quickly ran up to Ginny to catch up to her.

"Hurry up woman!" Ginny said from behind her shoulder. She stopped and opened the compartment, pushing her in roughly on the seat.

"Hey! I've missed you. Anything nice happening lately?" Ginny said puffed out, raising her eyebrows.

Hermione blinked multiple times to process what had happened. "No, nothing. Just catching up with my parents and shopping in the muggle world." Hermione said shrugging and giving her a small smile.

"Boring!" Ginny said looking at her watch. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"What did you expect me to do, Gin?"

"I don't know! Find a cute guy?" Ginny said looking up at her.

"I'd rather focus on my education and job, thank you. I have a very thorough plan." Hermione said smiling.

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