part 1

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"And that is you all set to begin the search for a child. If you could meet me at the local orphanage in an hour you can talk with some of the kids and see if you click with any of them." Jessica told the two super heroes opposite her, Tony  and Steve Stark. She was a plump woman with kind brown eyes and long blonde hair. She ran the local orphanage and could also clear people for adoption. She had been going through things with the men for a few months now and they had finally filled out all the paperwork and met all the requirements to be able to adopt.

"Thank you, so so much. You have no idea how grateful we are. We'll meet you there in an hour. We could give you a lift if you'd be willing to wait for 10 minutes for us to get ready." Steve told her while hugging his husband tightly.

"That sounds perfect." She smiled at them. Steve nodded and pulled Tony into their bedroom.

"We've done it doll. We can go and adopt a child now. Our own child." Steve smiled,  holding Tony's face in his large warm hands. Tony smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I know babe. This is one of the greatest days of my life." Tony told him, leaning up to kiss the taller man on the lips.

"Me too. Now, lets get changed into something comfier and go find our perfect baby." Steve told him, stepping away so he could change into some jeans and a t-shirt. Tony did the same and they stopped off in the room they'd set up for their child to pick up a few gifts, mostly snacks, that they'd put into a gift bag before going back to the livingroom where Jessica was waiting. Just as they were about to leave, the elevator doors opened and an angry, muscled man with long black hair and a metal arm stomped in.

"Woah, Bucky. Calm down Buck." Steve rushed over to his best friend and tried to calm him down. 

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"Fucking dicks talking about me behind my back again!" Bucky shouted. 

"I'm sorry Buck. Me and Tony will talk to them later, I promise. Why don't you come with us? We're going to the orphanage to adopt a child. We just got cleared." Steve told him. 

"That's great Stevie. yeah, ok. I'll come, introduce the kid to their Uncle Bucky." Bucky smiled. Steve smiled back and soon they were all piling into one of the cars in the garage, Happy in the driver's seat. It was about an hour before they pulled up outside the orphanage. It was a plain brick building that housed over 120 kids at one time. 

"You guys can go in and look around, talk to some of the kids and then we'll talk a bit more about what in particular you're looking for; age, cetera. I just need to drop off some papers at the front desk and I'll meet up with you in the playroom if you like. it's not hard to miss, it's probably the loudest room in the house." Jessica explained, letting out a chuckle at the end.

"Thank you." Steve replied before getting out with the rest of them and entering the building. When they entered, the first thing they heard was shouting from one of the joining rooms. What they didn't expect however, was to see 2 boys fighting. Steve ran between them and pushed them apart, holding them at arms length. 

"Enough! You go sit over there and you over there! Calm down and I'll get one of the supervisors to talk to you both later!" He shouted, pointing each teen to a different corner of the room. Jessica came back then and glared at the boys.

"Honestly boys, I've told you before to stop all this nonsense. I'm sick of your fighting! I'll deal with you both later. for now just stay where you are." She scolded. 

"Come with me and we'll discuss what your looking for." She instructed the heroes. They nodded and followed her up the stairs.

"So what are you looking for in particular with the child. Any preferred age or gender?" She began.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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