Mesmerising but terrifying dream

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Xena's POV

I was standing in my lovely meadow..sun was shining bright..breeze was blowing softly...making my hair a mess..but i was enjoying is my favorite place...its soul is bound with understands my me comfort..

Suddenly the speed of the wind increased a was still soothing..i was just standing there..enjoying its beauty and thinking of particularly nothing..

Actually this peace was enough there is no need to think of anything..just stand here and feel..worries fly away with the wind...the sun give its smile to me with every touching light on my face.

Wish this stays this way..its my support system. The place i cherish the most after home. If i could marry with this meadow...*scoffs* thats delusional..

The wind started blowing little vigorously now..the climate changed...a little wicked i can how an innocent face has an evil smirk hidden behind..

like how an innocent face has an evil smirk hidden behind

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Slowly the wind came with loud wooshes..making my hair go left to right in a very short time..the sky started darkening and the shade turned from blue to a bluish grey...but the wierd thing was that this was happening while the sun was still visible.

How could such a thing even happen in if some darkness was so much that it was overpowering the light and brightness of the sun. The sun felt so weak..the sun which is brightest star the king of now bowing in front of this darkness.

What is causing this..the wind is now chilling and i was shivering from its effect..but this is not brining if it was a positive light still in this chilling darkness..the light is yet to reach me...and i am waiting for it to embrace me..

It became more chilled as if i am entering a chilled store room and at present I am at its entrance and as i am proceeding further the temperature drops to minus..i felt a something grabbing me from behind..slowly sliding on my waist from both the sides..some humanly frame embraced me from behind..their body was stone hard..i felt like my back was against a wall. The climate was really ice surrounding me and the only thing warm was this embrace..

But what surprised me was that i was comfortably leaning against that person as if i knew them

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But what surprised me was that i was comfortably leaning against that person as if i knew them..and its not the first time we met its like its been happening since long..the touch felt familiar...

They said something which was inaudible to me may be because of the wind blowing so fast or esle they spoke really in whispers..i turned my face towards them and they leaned in and our lips touched..the feeling was wickedly warm..

Their face was blur.. but the touch of the lips..i can feel every but of it... they longed for me.. There was pain and passion... Surroundings were getting more and more dark as we stood there and the temperature kept dropping...

*in reality i was sweating like hell..i wanted this dream to end..i wanted to wake up..this dream was sucking me in..i was lost in it*

I woke up panting heavily..what was that?? I asked myself..why it felt so real..why it all was so of dreams were so vauge..nothing in there was real..but this was too deatiled to believe that it was only a dream..

The window suddenly opened and the wind blew was cold..piercing cold..and it felt like the dream..and the meadow was calling me towards it..there was a strong force pulling me towards it..i blankly walked towards the window..where the chilled breeze was comming from it was leading me towards its direction...

I snapped from the pull and gathered myself together....Xena wake up this is just an illusion.. you are overthinking...its just an hangover due to sleep..And i closed the window and went back to bed. I got in my comforter and thought that there is something about that place that i dont know..why mom and dad always act wierd when i mention about daffodils and the meadow...i need to find out..

And i dozed off to sleep...

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(It encourages me to write)

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