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Xena's POV

I need to think of a plan to go to my family home....i am sure i will find there something..atleast a small thing...these dreams are getting wierder each day..

More and more questions are arising and i have answer to none..not even a single would be really satisfying that atleast i know something..but this knowing not even a bit is killing me more..

I went down where my parents were sitting discussing something quietly....sounds fishy..but i have no time for this..

Right now my priority is convincing them to take me to the family house..

I cleared my throat to get their attention. They both turned towards my direction.

"Do you have something to say dear?"
My dad asked.

"Dad...mmm...i am bored..its been a while we went somewhere...lets go somewhere else for few days.."

I said in a soft voice..using my best convincing tone.

" little bored..where do you want to go??"
My mom asked me.

" we ....go to ...mmm...our family house..its been a while we went there..i miss the climate and the cozyness of the house and backyard full of trees having hammocks and nice cool breeze."
I said with puppy eyes and bluttered most of words in a hurry...non made me breathless..

My mom and dad said in an unison

"But why?? Its been a long time..i want to meet my family..isnt it good to visit family atleast once in a year..and it have been almost 5 years we have visited our family home..i almost forgot the faces of some people there...please pelase..lets go dad.."

I showed them my puppy eyes which they would never deny for.

Sighing heavily they finally nodded. But there was a tense aura comming from was kind of fear..

But i need my question to be answered too..sorry mom dad but u will take care of myself..i promise..

We decided that we will leave on thursday.

The day came and we all out loading our stuff in the car. I was getting a cold feeling of was sucking me towards the meadow...but i cant go there now...i kept ignoring it. But it was strong.

We were all set and dad started the car..i took a glance as we were parting from the home..from a distance i could see a small of the meadow but it seemed like it was being colour washed..the colours were fading away and it was turning to a monochrome.

"Mom can you see that too..the colours are fading away?"

I asked my mom.

"Where? everything seems fine..may be you are already missing home..should we go back?."

"No , no , mom i am alright may be just the sun is causing the illusions."

I said awkardly.

Mom and dad exchange looks. Wierd again.

I was feeling drowsy due lack of sleep every now and then and the cold wind was just i needed to drift off to sleep.

It was almost dark when we reached there..we took all our stuff out my grand parents were out to greet us..i ran into their embrace hugging them both tightly.
"Child we are not young now...please be gentle." My grandpa said almost chocking.
"Sorry...i missed you a mom dad needed to be scolded for keeping me away from you all.."

Everyone laughed at my cuteness..

We all had dinner together with my uncle, aunt, cousins and grandparents.

I went to my room to pretend to sleep so that i can execute my plan easily if they thing that i am not going to do anything stupid.

We there was absolute silence. I decided to go to the library the best place to find secrets.

I went there tip toing using my mobile flash light. I entered the library and started searching the area which had the history of the family. I wemt through a lot of books like family lineage, great warriors and many more but nothing..

I heatd foot steps. I hide behind one of the shelves. After sometime i heard them fading away. I sighed in relief. I quietly opened the door and went back to my room.

Bummer i got nothing..but i wont give up there has to be something in that library.

Next morning i woke up with a slight headache. One night gone to waste.

I did my morning routine and headed downstairs. One my way i saw the library door open. I went in to get a good look in the day light. i saw my cousin Dan in the library going through the family tree book..

"Hey Dan! Good morning."

"Hey cousin..morning there. Did you sleep well?"
He asked patting my head


I was taking in the view..the library was beautiful. Marble floors, teak wood furniture totally a vintage vibe.
"What are you doing here in the early morning.?"
I asked him curiously

"Just looking at you yesterday reminded me of a face i saw when i was young but i cant find the face anywhere..i saw that face in an old photo but i cant even find that one too."

"I remind you of a familiar face?"
I asked him surprised.

"Yes..just a vauge memory..but may be i am just confused. It was long back...if it was someone from family that person would have been here.."

He said pointing towards the book.

I was busy in he talking about the same person my mom and dad was talking about?.

Suddenly i glanced over with engraved words on the back of the door..
"The hell hides the secrets"

What a brilliant place to write such a thing no one will even notice..or it was written purposefully so that no one notices it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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