Rin went inside the small apartment and put all of the stuff she brought. Rin sits down on the couch and rests for a bit.

| Rin's POV |

Today was tiring I already feel the pain in every part of my body until I remembered something. "So the people just disappear from a different time?" I said to myself.

I notice this while I'm buying foods at the supermarket, most of the fruits there are all the rotten same thing for the vegetables.

I'm already making a theory inside my mind on how people disappeared out of now where. "Am I in a different world? No...it couldn't be. That's impossible...did I just time travel??" My mind is full of questions.

"If this happens at a different time it means some people already playing by now for months." I think harder why is this happening.

"So the man who died in the laser got here before me? And the guy that said to me to go to the 'Beach', how long is he here? A months, weeks, days?"

"And my Visa...I only have 10 days left before my visa ends...so I will be able to live long if a keep playing the game?"

I already made up my mind. "Tomorrow I have to rest and train myself to build up my stamina. And the next day I have to play in able to have more information from the different players out there..."

I sigh and said, "But I'm not that talkative to anyone...ugh why at the time like this...."
I feel like dying talking to someone because of nervousness.

🔸The Next Day 🔸

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

🔸The Next Day 🔸

| Rin's POV |

Finally, the day has come, after all those hardcore exercises and training. I change my clothes to something I could move comfortably.

I wear my black hoodie and cargo pants of course. I wear something for combat we never know if this game will be something to do at my last game or fighting I guess.

I didn't bring anything just myself heh. I don't know if the game allows us to bring weapons.

I went outside to find some available Game Arena that I could play.

I saw a light toward me and quickly run to that area. It brings me to an apartment.

' Toei Sendagaya Apartment '

I went inside to see two girls and one old lady it seems like I went here early, I went to grab a new phone. The phone lit up and said

" Waiting for more players. 10 minutes left before the game commence. "

It seems like I went here early just as I said. We waited for more players, I tucked in my hands in my hoodie and of course, my hood was up.

( That's where Rin is at (red cross), Rin's right side is leaning at the wall

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

( That's where Rin is at (red cross), Rin's right side is leaning at the wall.)

Many minutes have left I look up to see how many we are here, 'Woah...' there are 2 men in a business suit but the other is old and wearing glasses, there's also a man, the man was wearing a bandana and the other one is a muscular build bald guy.

The one seems to be confused and I think he's new to this, he wears a blue cap on, the other man wearing a fedora, and the last one is a blonde hair with a white jacket and his hood is also up but gladly, I could see his face.

Until I notice something behind him, the blonde guy is charging something. I couldn't tell what it is. 'I wonder what is that...'

And then I realize something, I went back to look at the bald man and the bandana one more time. But gladly I was behind them so they won't notice that I'm looking at them. That will be so awkward and embarrassing at the same time if they caught me looking.

There's something on their wrist it's a bracelet, there's something written on their bracelets but I don't see it that close.

Until someone came in, it was a girl she has short hair like me, she seems strong by looking at her, I wonder what skills she has.

And two boys came in, I think they're close... I feel something inside of me sadness maybe?? If only I have friends too...

Our phones started announcing the game.

" Registration has closed. "

" There are 14 participants, the game will now commence. "

Wow, I'm getting excited about this.

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