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I was putting some water in my plants when i hear a voice coming not far away from the garden,i looked who was talking and it's Yeji.

Yeji:"Don't worry we are almost going as plan,i am going to marry him,make him believe i love him and then, one night i go missing"
???:"Good job,how about Y/n? Last night my mans tried to kidnap her but they didn't get her."
Yeji:"I will help you with her,she needs to die before i marry Jaehyun or he is not going to marry me"
???:"Okay see you then"

She coundn't see you since you hide in a bunch of flowers and after the call she just walk away.

Who is she talking to?

I just left her alone since it's her own businesses.

I finally finished with my garden and i can hear from far away Lucas's voice that is calling me.

Lucas:"Y/n where are you?"
Y/n:"i'm in the garden Lucas"
Lucas:"are you done? Kun called us to eat lunch!"

You walk inside the house with Lucas and you all had a peacefull lunch since Yeji is out doing shopping and Jaehyun is at work.

After lunch i walk back to my room to get some rest,i woke up but i still didn't want to get up so i just,watch some kdrams on the tv in my room.

After 2 houres of watching the tv i decide that it's time to take a fresh and calming shower so i got up from the bed to go to the bathroom.


You got bored after taking a shower so you walk out your room and visits the Nct U unit

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You got bored after taking a shower so you walk out your room and visits the Nct U unit.

Taeil:"Hey Y/n!
Y/n:"Hi guys"
Yuta:"What brought you here?"
Y/n:"i was just feeling bored by my own"
Doyoung:"that is fine,you can stay here and talk while we practice"

After talking for a very long time and catching up with them,Jungwoo came in the room with some snacks to eat.

Jungwoo:"so how is it going between you and Jaehyun"
Y/n:"nothing,just the regular routine"
Doyoung:"he should stop to hurt you,look at you,you look so fragile"
Y/n:"that is fine Doyoung oppa!"
Yuta:"I have a question,did you ever hear Yeji talk to some guy?"
Y/n:"i actually heard her talk to someone in the phone this morning when i was at the secret garden"
Jungwoo:"is there something that we should know?"
Yuta:"one time i witness her,being very flirty with a man in a restaurant,they were being touch and i don't think that they are friends"
Jungwoo:"is that why you got beaten up by Jaehyun last week?"
Yuta:"yeah i tried my best to get a valuable evidence,but he still didn't believe me"
Doyoung:"is she cheating on Jaehyun?"
Yuta:"well Jaehyun dosen't even deserve Y/n,look what she did to her"

He said indicating to the red mark on your face,he slapped you becouse you yelled back at him this morning.

You are all spelling the tea all the eveing at it's finally dinner time,Kun called everbody.

You all had a very peaceful dinner and it was fun,Hendry that still didn't want to go to his room asked if we could have a movie night.

We all agree since we didn't have anything to do after dinner,so while Doyoung, and Kun are cleaning the dishes

the rest all started to prepare the food,pillows and blankets for the night.

We walk to the cinema room and then we all seat,i am between Lucas and Mark.

Imagine this is the cinema room:

After waiting for Doyoung and Kun we all started to watch the movie

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After waiting for Doyoung and Kun we all started to watch the movie.

When the movie finishes everybody is already tired and i could tell that by the way some members are already sleeping.

So we all cleaned up everthing,we said good night to each other and walked to our own rooms.

I did my night routin, and got dressed on my PJ but after that i am not sleepy so i just played some games on my phone.

Your Pj:

After playing some games,your eyes got heavy,so you just fell asleep

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After playing some games,your eyes got heavy,so you just fell asleep.

Author pov

Y/n fell asleep peacefully in her bed, someone come in her room and it's Jaehyun.

Jaehyun:"i am so sorry for what i did this morning baby,i just don't like it when someone raise there voice to me"

Jaehyun visits Y/n room not every single night, just twice a week.

He guards Y/n while she is asleep,after 3 houres of watching you he gets up and walk to his room after giving a kiss to your forehead.

The truth is that he dosen't love Yeji and that he is just using her,and he knows that she is using him,he is not blind.

He did this to atlest get your attention and for you to beg him to love you.

But that will never happen,he is the one who is going to beg and not you.

While you are sleeping someone came in your bed and it's not an enemy but someone that you didn't expect to do  such things.

He got you in his arms in bride style and walks out your room making sure to not make any noises.

Yeji who is waiting for him outside in a car have a very happy face becouse she is finally going to get ride of you.

When you arrive she made you place in the back with a blind fold.

Yeji:"Thank you so much....."

Who is this guy?
What is Jaehyun going to do?

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