"You know my new mama told me the night I lost my old one. To keep my head clear. And keep my old mama in my heart." Said Loki causing jacki to pick her head up and smile

Loki's kind words of advice he learned from his mama really helped her feel better.

"T-thank you. Y-your mum s-sounds n-nice!" Said jacki wagging her small tail.

"Wanna meet her?" Loki asked

"Y-yeah!" Jacki said shyly but optimistically

They approached bingo who stood near the playground watching the kids play. Keeping a close eye on them to make sure they were safe.

"Mama!" Loki exclaimed

"Hey sweet pup!" Said bingo as she knelt down and hugged him

"Meet my new friend jacki!" Said Loki as he turned his head to the shy little girl behind him

"Hi Jacki! My name is bingo! I'm a police officer!" Said Bingo

She noticed a wrist band on Jacki's wrist stating that she had autism

Bingo was specially trained to help and deal
with people with mental issues and disorders

Like stated before in past bingo absolutely loved children. And making sure jacki and Loki were comfortable and safe was her number 1 priority.

"Your very pretty!" Said Bingo

Jacki loved it when people called her pretty

"T-thank you ma'm!" Said Jacki with confidence

Jacki knew she made real friends!

After some time of getting to know Jacki bingo was called into the office to speak with some delinquents.

"Alright guys! I'll be back! I gotta handle some bad pups!" Said bingo as she walked off

"Ok!" Said Loki and Jacki

They then walked off near the playground until they were approached by some mean looking kids

"pitbull!" Said the bulldog

"May I help you?" Loki asked suspicious of the kids

"There's something wrong with your face." Said the large shiba

"Wha-" Loki was cut off by a punch to the face Causing him to fly back.

"L-LOKI!" Jacki exclaimed in fear and. Fury...

"Aww did I hit your boyfriend?" The bulldog asked with a douchebaggy chuckle

"W-WHAT I-IS WRONG W-WITH Y-YOU?!" Jacki exclaimed

Soon kids began crowd around them

The big kids taunted and insulted Loki and Jacki

Jacki felt anger like she never has. She then balled her fist and swung at the bulldog with all her strength causing him to fly back

"MY GOD!" The shiba Inu exclaimed in shock

Then the bulldog got up and pushed Jacki down to the ground

"YOU B*TCH!" The bulldog yelled

This awakened a deep hateful rage within Loki seeing Jacki fall to the ground.

Loki's eyes might as well have beamed red as He bared his teeth and growled.

Loki then pounced onto the bulldog and began to punch and punch him.

"OK THATS ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" Bingo yelled with authority causing Loki to snap out of his rage hearing his mum's stern voice.

Bingo did her best to use her voice to separate the fighting pups.

School security and staff took the kids to the office.

Bingo sat with Loki and Jacki

"What happened are you guys ok?" Bingo asked with concern as she held an ice pack to Loki's aching head.

"W-well. T-those k-kids c-ame up to u-us and t-they attacked u-us. F-for n-no reason." Said Jacki in between tears

Bingo petted both of the pups

"It's ok." Said Bingo kindly giving a warm smile

Bingo spoke with them for a while until jacki's grandmother arrived

"Jacki! Are you ok sweetheart?" Mrs retriever asked with concern

"Y-yes n-nana" said jacki

"What happened?" Mrs retriever asked turning her attention to bingo

"So these kids were targeting my son here and after attacking him they began to berate and attack little jacki here. Me and staff members broke up the fight before it blew up even more." Bingo explained

"Alright. Thank you." Said mrs retriever grateful that bingo stepped in To help these kids instead of neglect them like jacki's old school did.

"No problem ma'm. Just doing my job!" Said bingo with a smile

This line stuck with Loki and Jacki. And jacki's respect for police officers increased.

The bullies were suspended from school for a week and Jacki and Loki were able to continue as normal but Loki was gonna be monitored and most likely get detention.

*later that day at pickup*

"Well then Jacki. I guess I'll see you on Monday!" Said Loki

"S-see y-you monday!!" Said Jacki happily

Loki and Jacki hugged as they went to their guardians to be picked up

Loki walked to the office where bingo was waiting for him.

Bingo and him got into her patrol vehicle and headed home due to her shift ending.

"Hey sweetheart. You were a brave boy back there. You helped stick up for someone who has trouble fighting for themselves. But remember. Violence is never the answer unless you absolutely have to defend yourself or someone else. Despite what dad says!" Said Bingo with a giggle referring to Jack and his army mindset

"Thanks mama. I was just doing my job as a friend!" Said Loki

Bingo smiled

"You'd make a great sheriff sweet pup." Said Bingo with a smile giving him a kiss as they drove off

*with Jacki and mrs retriever*

"Hey Jacki. You were extremely brave back there. You stood up for your friend and yourself and you stood your ground. You are a great example to a lot of other kids! Yes violence isn't the answer but you did what you thought was right!" Said Mrs Retriever

"J-just d-doing my j-job!" Said Jacki

To be continued!

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