10. Ship is Sailing

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Grace's POV

Nic and I have been talking on the phone everyday and we have taken the train home a few times already. Today is the first time Nic and I are going out for dinner! Finally!!! He asked me if I was free today, last night when we were on the phone. And of course, I said yes immediately.

"Grace! Do you want to go for dinner later?" Yvonne asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I am transported back to reality where Yvonne, my best friend, and I have been studying at the library for the past few hours. She looked at me, deadpanned, waiting for my reply.

"Oh sorry, I can't. I'm having dinner with someone," I whispered sheepishly. 

Her eyes widened before squinting at me, looking at me sideways with a detective-look face, and asked "Who?"

"Nicholas," I mumbled sheepishly.

"OH MY GOD!" she screamed. I frowned at her, and shushed her, reminding her she is at the library by placing a finger to my lips. Looking around the library, I offered apologetic glances to those nearby who are looking at us with annoyed expressions.

I turn back to the front, expecting a wide-eyed Yvonne opposite me. Before I can register that she isn't there, I was being pulled away from my chair towards to the toilet. Yvonne finally released her grip on my wrist when we reached the toilet and she let out a squeal, attracting attention from people exiting the toilet.

"I can't believe it! The ship is sailing! Finally!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down, while squeezing each of my hands. Excitement is written all over her face, she is that exhilarated for me. Yvonne is a best friend that anyone can ask for, she's the type of person who will laugh and cry along with you. She's the opposite of me, an extrovert who has many friends and CCAs, and dinner plans everyday. However, she would cancel her plans for her family and close friends, like me. I am so glad to have her as my bestie.

"Good thing that you're always dressed so nicely," she said as she checks out my outfit. However, I did take a longer time to pick my clothes today. I am wearing a round neck, plain white dress, that stops above my knee, matching it with a pair of pink flowery sneakers. A pretty yet casual outfit. I mean, it isn't a date! I don't want to overdress, making Nic think that... Okay, stop right there, don't overthink again! I have the tendency to overthink and complicate things, which ruins stuff. 

Yvonne and I spent the time fangirling and me asking her things about what I should and shouldn't do, until I realise it is nearing the time I am supposed to meet Nicholas. You can't blame a girl for asking questions when she hasn't been on any "date" with a guy alone! 

As I am about to pack up, my phone vibrated. It is a message from Nick asking for us to meet at the building's lobby. I replied a quick "Ok" before chucking my things into my bag and wave goodbye to Yvonne before making my way to the lift. As the lift is descending, I look into the mirror, combing through my hair with my fingers, making sure that my hair is neat. As the lift dinged, reaching the ground level, I smoothened out my outfit and adjusted my bag strap nervously. I look around the lobby, scanning for Nic's presence. 

And I see Nic walking in my direction, with his friend Janice. I can tell that they are discussing something fun as he is gesturing animatedly and sporting his usual charming smile, and Janice was listening attentively to him, laughing along as her eyes twinkle with excitement and something else, admiration. As they are nearing me, Nic's eyes caught mine. Never leaving my eyes, he smile widens as he picks up his speed, walking faster to where I am, leaving Janice strolling at the back. I grin back at him and look at Janice, to offer her a friendly smile, only to be met with a calculative stare. However, that expression is quickly masked with a small smile when she reaches us. We exchanged a quick hi before walking together towards the train station. 

Nic walks between Janice and me and starts asking about my day and talked about his, until Janice interrupted "Nic, we are supposed to head this way," pointing to the opposite train platform. 

"Oh crap, I forgot to tell you that I'm going out with Grace today. We have a dinner date tonight," he teased, winking at me. I roll my eyes at his flirting and then turn to Janice to see that disappointment is written clearly on her face, so I clarify "It's not a date, he is just joking like how he always does." She snaps her eyes towards me, replying "I know, I have known him for so long!". Though I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, I could tell that the sweet smile she plastered on her face is not sweet at all, it is more like a victorious smile when someone has the edge over another. The "another" here is nonetheless, Nic.


*Drumroll* is that amount of drama enough for you? 

P.s. this is the 3rd update in a day! Wow!

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