5. Bitch

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I pull on his hair he growls at me. I smirk. Then all of the sudden I was pulled to the floor by my hair I look up and see.....

Tara. The bitch who messed with Jax's head. I look at her and smile.
"What the FUCK do you what?" "I should be asking you that question since you guys where practically having sex." she said giving Jax an unapproved look
"Ha you think he gives two flying fucks about what you think about me and him if he likes me he likes me of he doesn't he doesn't. It is as simple as that." I look at her and stomp out of my room. I went to the hospital to look at Abel. He was so tiny and helpless I felt a single silent tear roll down my cheek. "Be strong little man you can make it I know you can." I look over by the rocking chair and see Gemma asleep. I smile and open the door. I lightly shake Gemma awake making sure I don't get hit in the face. She finally wakes up. She looks around and smiles at me.
"Hey baby how are ya"

"Bad Tara the drama queen is back". Gemma looks at me and laughs. "What did you do?"

" Ok I told Jax that I was pregnant when we had sex and that she died and a guy is following me. Then we started to kiss and Tara walks in and pulls me to the ground by my hair and I siad "what the fuck do you want" she said "I should ask you the same question because you are practically having sex with my boyfriend" I said why should he give two flying fucks about how we act around each other" then I stromed off and ended up here" I said finally finishing.

"I have a few questions to ask" Gemma said. "Ok ask away." I said Nicely.
"1.you and Jax would have had a baby but didn't tell me ?
2. How come you never told me about Tommy?
3. Do you still love Jax?"
"Because it was to late to tell you. Because he never gave me a phone and never left my side. And o think I still love Jax I don't know anymore."
"I can tell baby you still love him"
"Ya but Tara is such a bitch about it you can't even get 5 feet next to Jax. Except when we are on the roof." I said and look at her with a smile I know where to go with Jax that Tara doesn't know about. Outside of Charming there is an old swimming whole for little child's but whenever we got there everyone left so we started to hang out there.
I grab my stuff and run out. By now daylight is peeking through the trees. I hop into my car and drive to the club house. Everyone looks at me but I ignore it and walk with my bag in hand. I walk up to Jax and said "you have a beautiful son I hope he lives to become someone like you. And if you want to talk to me I will be at our favorite spot at 8:00 tonight.." I say as I start to walk out but stop. " Hey happy you you still need to give me a tattoo." "Ok want to do it now of later." He asks
"Um lets do it tomorrow night we can talk about it then and that is when I get off of work ok." "Ok"
I walk out to my car and go to my house find a Baggy SAMCRO shirt and another pair of Jean shorts and then I grab a pair of Lacey panties and a matching bra. I hop into the shower and wash up. I hop out and get dressed. Put on red lipstick did my signature smokey eye and put my hair in a high pony tail.

**10 minutes later**
I get out of my car and grab my phone, lunch and a gun. I lay down a beach towel on the sand and lay down take out a note book and start to write in it. 2 pages in I look at my phone and I see it is 5:00 so it take out my sandwich and my chips and eat until they are gone. I get up and go to my car and grab a beer and sit down and start to write again. 5 minutes later there is a bag over my head and ropes tied around my arms and feet and I am in the back of someone's car. Luckily I had a knife in my back pocket and start to cut my way through the rope. Then I start my feet but we stop I pretend i was knocked out cold. The person opens the trunk and swears under his breath. He picks me up and dropped me on the ground I sigh and sit up pretending that my hand are still tied

"What the fuck do you want I was siting there minding my own business and all do the sudden you come and kidnap me asshole"

"Tommy sent me to bring you here"

"And why is that" I ask

"Because he is going to bring you back and rape and Kill you after happy?" I looked at him and stood up. He had me by a few inches. I take out my knife slowly so he wouldn't notice and quickly and quietly I slit his throat deep enough to cut his vocal cords but light enough that it cut his jugular he looks at me as I watch the life leave his eyes and grab him before he falls I get onto his car and bribe off. I get back to my spot. And sit there waiting for Jax. I wash off my arms in the pool just in time I hear Jax from afar. I sit back down in my blanket and continue to write in my notebook I gasp at the Site in the notebook

" Hey baby, I found this out in the open and decided to write a little note. I will be waiting for you here on Saturday don't you think about bringing your little friends I have people EVERYWHERE. come alone at 7:00 see you then, bye love
- Tommy

I look over at Jax and he is just getting off of his bike. Good I didn't want him to see this. I put the notebook down and get a beer and him smile. " Got another?"

"Ya it is in my car and if we run out of that I have some wine and a bottle of jack Daniels."

"Wow. You came prepared"

"Ya I also have another beach towel in the car to." I said

"Ok be right back." He said while going to my car. He grabbed the towel and the the bottle of jack and sat down. "How are you doing darlin'. " He asked.

"I have had better days."

"What does that mean?"

"I have had better days."
It means my days h- I was stopped again be his lips and no one was there to stop us so I took the chance. And kissed him back he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. I grind my hips in his and he moans. I start to pull his shirt over his head. He starts to kiss down my neck to my sweet spot. He sucks on it gently and I moan Loudly. He smirks against my skin. I grab the back of his hair and tug slightly, and he growls lowly. I smirk and take his goatee and play twirl it around in my fingers. We start to kiss again and his hands slide up my shirt. He takes it off and smiles
" You always look good in red" he said with a smile.
"Well you are in for a surprise when you take off my shorts." I say with a smirk.
" Are you always this prepared? Because if you are them I don't know what I am going to do with you" he said smiling

"Oh just shut up and kiss me." I said. And kissed me he did. He didn't waste any time taking off my shorts. We where so into it that we didn't even here the roar of bikes down the road. I was just in my bra and underwear and he was still in his pants. I start to kiss down his stomach when I see that people are watching . I freeze and look up all of the members of SAMCRO where watching get up pull on my shorts and shirt and get up and walk to my car everyone looks at me and smiles. I get into my car and drive off. Leaving Jax to fend for himself.

Jax POV.
Ally and me where in the middle of something when she froze got up and putting on all of her clothes and driving off. I look up and she all of the members there watching me. I get up and pull on my shirt. Walking over to them I say " I was kind of in the middle of something so this better be good." they all look at me and sigh.
"Sorry brother we all knew you would be busy but we where doing some background checks on some people and we did one on ally and she well she was abused and raped a couple of months ago." Juice said
"Guys I already know this relax and did you know that she was pregnant with my baby but she died 2 days after she was born" I said. Everyone gasped.
"Sorry Jackie boy we are now go back to your women" he said with a smirk.

"You promise no more interruptions unless emergency"i say

"Promise." They say in unison.
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Luv ya. 😘😄

P. S. Don't expect me to update like this all the time I just had ideas and it just started to flow.

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