"You should have been gone, knowing how I made you feel. And I should have been gone, after all your words of steel. Oh, I must have been a dreamer, and I must have been someone else. And we should have been over. Oh, Sherrie, our love. Holds on, holds on. Oh, Sherrie, our love. Holds on, Holds on." Steve sang his infamous song from his 1984 album, Street Talk.

Roxie lifted her head. People all around her were singing along with their teacher. Though the song was almost fifteen years old, and Steve was almost fifty, he still had some of the most iconic vocals ever.

When he had finished, people clapped and cheered.

"Thank you.. why don't you- as in the people who want to sing- play one of your parents songs, hmm?" Steve said.

"And as promised, you're next, Roxie!" He added. Roxie nodded. "Any guitars?" She asked. Steve nodded. "Back of the hall." He said, and Roxie and Alan went to the back of the hall and got an acoustic guitar each.

"What are you gonna play?" Sky asked and Alan shrugged. "Do Of Wolf And Man!" Dana giggled. Alan and Roxie looked at each other and began playing their parents song.

"Off through the new day's mist I run. Off from the new day's mist I have come. I hunt therefore I am. Harvest the land. Taking of the fallen lamb. Off through the new day's mist I run. Off from the new day's mist I have come. We shift pulsing with the earth. Company we keep. Roaming the land, while you sleep." Roxie sang. Both she and Alan played their fathers' song and Dana drummed on the table with her fingers. Sky listened and watched her friends.

She felt an overwhelming proudness of her friends.. or rather, Brother and Sisters. Her dad didn't write the bassline for Of Wolf And Man, her uncle Jason did. But, that didn't stop her absolutely loving the bassline. When it came to it, Roxie looked at Sky near the end of the song and nodded. Sky returned the nod.

"Back to the meaning." Roxie sang. "Back to the meaning." Sky repeated after Roxie.

"Of wolf and man, yeah." Roxie finished and her and Alan played the outro to the song, stopping on the exact same note at the exact same time.

Everyone started clapping and they all smiled and high-five'd.

Roxie Hetfield's P.O.V

When we finished, a guy walked up to me as everyone else was talking amongst themselves. He looked at me, a small smile on his face. He was honestly kind of familiar but I didn't know where I had seen him from before. "Hey, I'm Danny." He said. I returned the smile, trying to seem as polite as I could. "I'm Roxie!" I told him and we fist bumped because who the fuck needs hand shakes?

"I know.." He said. "You sound exactly like your dad, James Hetfield.. well, maybe a bit more feminine because y'know.. you're a girl and what not, but, you get my drift."

I laughed. "I get you.. can I ask who your parents are? You look really familiar." I asked. Danny laughed. "Yeah! Rachel Bolan of Skid Row is my dad.. and that there-" He said and nodded to a boy who was standing up and talking to Steve. "Is Aiden Bach, son of Sebastian Bach."

I nodded. "How come I haven't seen you around?" I asked. Danny shrugged. "We generally just keep to ourselves and don't really bother anyone." He said. I nodded. "With the few months that everyone is after having, I don't blame you. Why don't you and Aiden come and sit with us at lunch and stuff? We'd love to get to know you better."

End Of Roxie Hetfield's P.O.V

"Really?" Danny asked and Roxie nodded. "Totally!" She said. "These are my best friends and might-as-well-be-siblings! Alan Hammett, Sky Burton and Dana Ulrich." The other three Metallica either smiled and waved or nodded at their new acquaintance, Danny. Danny's face lit up. "Well, first of all, It's lovely to meet you! Second of all.. Burton? Like.. You're actually Cliff Burton's daughter?!" He gasped like an excited child.

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