Y/n's exactly she's probably some snobby slut.. she knowsss Vinnie and I are together the messages literally said "are you still at her house" like what the fuck where's your fucking respect??

We finally arrived to Tiffany's house and I ran upstairs

Y/n: ugh I feel at home already

Tiffany ,sighed

Y/n: where's tubs (Tiffany's step sister)

Tiffany: she's in her room right now but I think she's doing something important we'll check on her later

Y/n: okay well I'm gonna go to the bathroom and put on my night cream

Tiffany nodded

As I was walking to the bathroom I heard shuffling around..

Y/n: Tubs is that you? Bitchhhh hurry up I kinda have to pee now

Tubs came out of her room looking a little worried

Y/n: oh hey Tubs.. wait I didn't know you were having company over I'm sorry.

T: oh- oh no it's fine! I'll tell him- I mean HER to get out so you can go

Y/n: okayyyyy???

I went back into the room

Y/n: yo what's up with tubs she's acting really funny weird.. like as if I make her.. her nervous

Tiffany: I don't know let me go che- Tiffany choked on her words as she opened the door


Y/n: what what what the fuck happen-

Is that.. Vinnie? You've gotta be fucking kidding me right now.. this can't be my life

V: shit y/n

Tiffany: oh hell to the fucking no.. don't y/n her shit. Are you fucking serious right now.. with my fucking stepsister? Vinnie you literally fucking disgust me. I tell y/n everyday that she needs to find better but she continues to fight for ya love. I hope she can finally open her eyes and see how much of a fucking dick you are. And YOUUUUUUU. BITCH YOUR NAME IS FUCKING TULIP. TULIP FOR GODS SAKE.... WHAT THE FUCK IS A VERONICA? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?? This is exactly why I can't fucking trust you. You did this to my best fucking friend. Now you're fucking dead to me.

Tubs/Tulip same person = T

T: I'm so sorry y/n. I was fucking jealous of you. I've had a crush on Vinnie got the longest and I was mad you had him instead of me.

Y/n: am I supposed to give you pity? Fuck. You... And Vinnie.. you still came.. hehe ughh. You still fucking came after I fucking caught you. I can't live like this anymore Vinnie. Sadly I still fucking love you but I refuse to continuously make my life a living hell just to be with you. We're fucking done... leave me the hell alone.

Tiffany: And get the fuck out

V: y/n please I know I fuck up but I can't function without you

Y/n: i've heard that so many times before... Vinnie just go I can't do this

He finally left.. what the fuck

We went back to the room and stayed away from "vErOnIcA" Tulip

10 minutes later she came into the room and told us she was spending the night at her cousins

We looked at her then turned back to the TV

The door shut and we were finally home alone

Tiffany: I'm so sorry

Y/n: it's nowhere near your phone but I am fucking done, I'm not even has her as I should be... I should have expected this from Vinnie. But let's forget about that and have some fun

For the rest of the night we watched scary movies and gossiped

Tiffany: omg you know who would be really good for you? Myles

She's totally right

Y/n: yeah but I just got out of a relationship I wanna take a while. Maybe for now I can just keep talking to him and see where things end up

Tiffany: alright but girl start that tomorrow it's 4am she laughed

Y/n: you're right I giggled.. goodnight

Tiffany: goodnight

Ugh I can't fucking sleep.. so I texted Myles

He's probably not even up- oh wow. He texted back so quick


Myles 😂
Hey what's up

Nothing I just can't sleep and your hilarious so keep me occupied

It's been an 1hr into the conversation and shit is getting personal.. I felt so connected to him

She cheated on you? Ouch. I know your pain I've been through it

Well we have all day. I wanna hear your story too

It's crazy because it all happened today

I told him the story..

If it were me who had the blessing of dating you... I would never fuck up my chance

Toxic - Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now