Together Forever

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Timeskip - 6 Months

(Y/N)'s POV

It was five in the afternoon on a beautiful Summer day. The flowers were in bloom and birds were singing their favorite tune. I sat upon my porch in a rocking chair.

The girls wandered around the yard examining flowers. Most of the flowers comprised of daises and tulips, but they had the occasional rose and sunflower scattered about.

Ruby: "(Y/N) come look!!" I got up from my chair and walked towards Ruby. The other girls followed me as well. When I got to Ruby I was shocked.

At her feet stood five roses of different colors. The roses had petals comprised of red, white, black, yellow, and (F/C). I knelt down and carefully examined them. They were somewhat wilted.

Weiss: "Is that normal?"

(Y/N): "I've heard of different colored roses grown in stores, but never have I witnessed them grown in the wild."

Blake: "What should we do with them?"

Yang: "We should bring them inside."

We all nodded in agreement. I carefully dug up the ground around the flowers with my hands and lifted them up. My feet carried me to the house where I found an empty pot. I gently placed them in the pot.

Ruby: "I'll get some water." She did as she said and returned with a glass of water shortly after. The contents were poured in the pot and the roses sprang to life.

(Y/N): "I'll be back girls."

Blake: "Where are you going?"

(Y/N): "To the store to get some fertilizer for the roses."

They all nodded and I left the house. This can't all be a coincidence. First the girls asked me that question and now these four flowers show up. It's time I finally did this.

Flashback - 5 Month

Girls: "Will we be together forever (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Of course we will. Why do you ask girls?"

Ruby: "We still have our doubts."

Weiss: "That we aren't good enough."

Blake: "That we'll be tossed aside."

Yang: "And that you won't love us anymore."

I walked up to them and wrapped them in each a tender embrace. They returned the embrace and smiled.

(Y/N): "I'll never let anyone of you go. We'll be together forever. Until time itself ends."

Girls: "Thank you (Y/N)."

End of Flashback

I entered the shop and walked up to the front desk. The clerk noticed me and nodded. He went into the back room and brought out a small box. It was handed to me and I opened it. I smiled at the contents and paid him for it.

I left the shop and round the corner to the farmers market. There I picked up a small bag of fertilizer and returned the way I came. Within a few minutes I found myself back at the house.

I entered the home and was greeted by the girls. I gave Weiss the fertilizer and she placed some in the pot. The flowers perked up even more when it was added.

Weiss: "That should do it."

(Y/N): "Now that it's all said and done, it's time to clean up and get dressed."

Yang: "For what?"

(Y/N): "Today is our anniversary." The girls went wide eyed and scrambled. Each of them took off and I laughed. Today was going to be a special day.

Timeskip - 2 Hours

(Y/N): "It's time to go girls." I heard foot steps coming from the stairs and I turned around to a beautiful sight.

Each of them wore a cocktail dress with high heels. Ruby wore a scarlet red, Weiss wore a snow white, Blake wore a jet black, and Yang wore a summer yellow. I wore a snazzy tuxedo with black laced shoes.

Girl: "How do I look?"

(Y/N): "Beautiful."

Each of them took a side to me and we left the house. We reached La Vie D'Amour in only a few moments. It was a high end restaurant. The perfect place for the perfect moment.

The waiter escorted us to a balcony table and I seat each of the girls. I sat down and we order from the menu. When the waiter left we began to chat amongst ourselves. It was a rather peaceful night.

Within minutes our food was brought to the table and we began to eat. We laughed, we ate, and we enjoyed every moment. The food was all gone and the girls were smiling.

(Y/N): "It's been a while since we first met."

Ruby: "It really has been."

(Y/N): "You four have changed so much."

Weiss: "All thanks to you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I've also changed in that time as well."

Blake: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "I didn't know what it was like to love someone the way I do with you four. It was a weird yet satisfying thing."

Yang: "We didn't know either until we found you."

(Y/N): "And I want to know that feeling forever." I got up from my chair and motioned for the girls to follow me. They did and we all stood close the the balcony ledge.

The moon perfectly captured us and shined brightly. I got down on my knee and their eyes widened. My hand pulled out a small boxed and opened it to reveal five colored rings. Red, White, Black, Yellow, and (F/C).

(Y/N): "You've shown me happiness that I want to cherish, memories that I want to keep a hold of, and moments that I want to last forever. So let's be together forever.

(Y/N): "Ruby. Weiss. Blake. Yang. Will you marry me?"

Girls: "YES!!" They each yelled with theirs in their eyes. I placed the respected ring on each of their fingers and mine on my own. Each of them took turns passionately kissing me.

This was the happiest moment of our lives.

Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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