House Work

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Timeskip - 1 Week

Ruby's POV

My eyes were blinded by a piece of cloth and my mouth gagged by a wooden peg. My hands were strung above my head and tied with rope. The sound of footsteps could be heard and I shivered in fear.

???: "I knew taking you four was a waste of time. Just means I gotta punish y'all for breaking my rules."

I heard the crack of a whip and a searing pain envelope my back. My teeth bit onto the wooden peg and I let out a muffled scream of agony. Another strike came to my back and tears welled in my eyes.

This continued for another minute until he was satisfied. More cracking could be heard and pained screams from the others. He laughed throughout the entire ordeal.

My ropes were cut and my blindfold was taken off. The man walked up to be and kicked my gut. A pained wheeze left my mouth and I gasped for air. My vision was starting to blur.

???: "Goodnight trash." He lifted his boot up and brought it downward onto my face.
I jolted upward in a cold sweat. My breath was rapid and fearful tremors ran through my body. I looked around and noticed the others had woken up in the same state.

Our previous master enjoyed toying and torturing us. He found pleasure in our pained screams and agony. It was like that with every master we had. There was no exception.

It was still early so we had to wait for master to wake up. We sat in silence as the hours passed by. A door opened down the hall and we all stood. A knock came to our door and Master opened it.

(Y/N): "Good morning girls."

Girls: "Good morning Master. We await your orders."

(Y/N): "It's time to eat." We followed Master out of the room and towards the kitchen. We all sat in our seats and Master cooked food. He placed it on the table and we slowly ate.

This has been the same routine for over a week now. We wake up, eat our food, take our medicine, and rest. I wonder why Master has yet to punish us for not working. We finished our food and Master gave us our medicine.

(Y/N): "It's time for a check up." We all stood from our chairs and followed Master to the clinic part of the house. All of us changed into hospital shirts and pants. I sat on the table and Master examined my leg. "Your leg is healing up nicely. It should be fully heal in another week."

I got up from the table and Weiss took my place. Master unwrapped her bandages and examined her eye. Most of the swelling had gone down and the cut has healed a lot.

(Y/N): "Try to slowly open your eye a little. If it hurts then stop immediately." Weiss did as he commanded and opened her eye slowly. She was able to fully open it. Master let out a relived sigh. "Your cornea is still intact which means you haven't lost your vision in the eye. Now, how many fingers am I holding up?"

Weiss: "Three, but they are blurry Master."

(Y/N): "It'll take a little while longer before your vision fully comes back in your eye. At least you can see out of it." Weiss got off of the table and Blake took her place. "Lift your shirt up please."

Blake did as Master asked and he nodded. Her wound had closed fully and left a scar with slight bruising. He redid the bandaging and Yang took Blake's place. Master took her arm out of the sling and asked her to do some basic movements.

(Y/N): "Your arm seems to be healed, but don't overexert your arm or overextend it. You don't wanna pop it out of socket again."

(Y/N)'s POV

I finished their check up and grabbed the files. My hands wrote down updates in each of their respected folders. It's a relief to see them recovering so steadily. Their body's have gained a bit of weight, but nothing too noticeable.  They each changed into their clothes and followed me out of the room.

(Y/N): "Go rest for the day."

Ruby: "Master."

(Y/N): "Yes Ruby?" All of the girls were fidgeting in place. They seemed to be both nervous and anxious.

Ruby: "Is there any work we can do?"

(Y/N): "You four need to heal before that."

Girls: "We beg you Master!!" Their heightened voices came as a shock to me. I mentally slapped myself and sighed. It seems they won't take no for an answer this time.

(Y/N): "Light chores."

Girls: "Master."

(Y/N): "You girls may do light chores until your wounds have fully healed. Do not overwork yourselves and only do small tasks around the house."

All of the girls crack the tiniest smiles. Their smiles quickly faded back to their neutral expressions. They all bowed and walked around the house looking for tasks to do. This was another breakthrough they've made.

I made my way back to the clinic and began writing notes:


(Y/N)'s Notes #1

The four girls have shown both relief and happiness in the short time they have been with me. The relief was triggered by my statements of them not being tortured. The happiness was triggered by them finally being able to do chores. Will have to investigate further.


A crash from the other room caught my attention. I ran out of the clinic and into the kitchen. Weiss was on the floor with a shattered plate next to her. She looked at me with fear in her eyes while the other girls stood on the sideline.

Weiss: "I-I'm sorry Master!! I-I-I." She was shaking violently. I quickly walked towards her and knelt down. She huddled into the fetal position and waited.

A sigh escaped my lips and I patted her head softly. She didn't respond at first. After a minute, she stopped shaking and slowly uncurled herself. I continued to pet her head softly until she finally calmed herself.

Weiss: "M-Master?" She looked at me confused and slightly distressed. "W-Why aren't you p-punishing me?"

(Y/N): "I told you before Weiss, I won't punish any of you girls." I stopped patting her head. "Accidents happen. Are you hurt?"

Weiss: "I'm not hurt Master."

(Y/N): "And that's what's important." I grabbed a broom and dustpan and quickly swept up the broken glass.  "I want the four of you to rest for the day until dinner is ready."

Girls: "Yes Master." Weiss got up and bowed with the rest of the girls. They walked up the stairs and I heard the door close. Takin it day by day.

Weiss's POV

I sat on the floor still shocked at Master's reaction. He was so kind and caring about me instead of the dish I broke. Why wasn't I punished for it?

Yang: "Is Master different from our other Masters?"

Blake: "He acts different, but he will eventually be like them.

Ruby: "They always do."

They were right after all. We were slaves in this world. A piece of filth to be used and tossed away like trash.

This was our only purpose in life.

Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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