part 4,divorce

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5 Years go by, jennifer thinks her feelings for david are gone, she focuses on her marriage. She hasn't seen david in over a year now and she thinks that's good to help her get over him.
Jennifer comes home to only hear the news that brad Pitt has cheated on her, she was so upset with the fact that he went to Angelina's every weekend instead of the gym. Also that brad and jennifer were trying for kids whilst he was sleeping with another woman. Jennifer in tears doesn't know what to do. Brad tells jennifer that hes in love with angelina Jolie and hes sorry.
Jen and Brad decide to get a divorce, jen so upset she calls courtney, courtney comes over and jennifer confesses her one night stand with david, courtney shocked but also supporting tells her she thinks jen went for the wrong man and tells her to go to David's house.
Jennifer listening to Courtney's advise drives to David's. She stands outside the door rethinking whether this is a good idea or not. She lightly knocks the door, david answers and stares at jennifer. He says "wow, um.. I wasnt expecting to see you here, you look great" jennifer then replies with "david, I love you, i regret marrying brad, I married the wrong guy, I'm in love with you, I couldn't stop thinking about you all these years, me and brad and getting a divorce, I'm in love with you"
David grabs jennifer and pulls her inside kissing her lips, he carries her upstairs and pushes her onto the bed, still kissing her lips.
Then I think you know what happens ;)

thank you for reading this story, I hope you liked it, i think this is every friends fans dream.

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