Aizawa: "Do you know who the voice is?"

Dustin: "No I don't"

Everybody fell

Katsuki: "How the hell you don't know?!"

Dustin: "I may the Keeper but I don't know anything about the dimensions I protect"

Inko: "So I neglect him"

Dustin: "Yes. In this dimension your married to All Might. You both focus on Izumi since she has a very strong version of your quirk"

She looks down in shame of her other self

Izuku: "It's okay Mom I'm not mad. At any of you"

Inko is grateful that her son is not mad at her. Dustin fast forwards it and now they see Izuku sitting on a couch.

Ayami: "Where are your parents?"

Momo: "Those are my parents"

Dustin: "Izuku was found by your family after he ran away"

Izuku: "Not like they care about where I am"

Haruto: "What do you mean young man?"

Izuku: "My parents don't care about me. They pay attention to my sister more then anything else. Only my friend Shoka cares about me"

Ayami: "Your friends with Shoka Todoroki"

Izuku: "I am. She is the only one in my life that cares"

Haruto: "And your parents don't"

Izuku: "Exactly. My Mom is the number 6 hero and my dad is All Might"

Ayami: "*eyes widen* Your the son of All Might?"

Izuku: "I don't know if I can consider myself his son"

Both parents feel bad for him. They have a daughter roughly the same age. They can't imagine treating her the same way.

Haruto: "Honey can you get Momo done here?"

Ayami: "Of course"

She goes to get there daughter

Haruto: "Can you tell me your name?"

Izuku: "Izuku"

Haruto: "Well Izuku I'm Haruto Yaoyorozu"

Izuku: "Nice to meet you"

Haruto: "Nice to meet you to. Look for now you'll be staying here until we figure out what to do"

Izuku: "Just please don't send me back"

Haruto: "I can't promise that but I will try to prevent that"

Izuku: "Thank you"

Ayami comes down with a girl around Izuku's age

Haruto: "Izuku please my our daughter Momo"

Izuku: "Hi"

Momo: "Hi"

Ayami: "Why don't you two go play while I talk with your father Momo?"

Momo: "Okay"

Both kids go to play

Dustin: "The Yaoyorozu's adopt Izuku into there family and moved from Japan slowly after. All three families later found Izuku missing and tried to find him but he was already out of the country"

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