Chapter Six

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Mother Dove is a magical bird who, Neverland chose and long time ago, before she was a mystical bird, she was an ordinary dove like many other birds. But a sudden fire started destroying the pixiedust tree and everything on it's path. It also swept Mother Dove along, but she wasn't hurt. Instead, she was transformed into a miraculous creature and saved Pixie hollow. Now back to "us".

"We should turn back" I said, I gazed up in the dark sky, a cold started shivering up my arms, and I knew I was scared.

"Yeah, I'm wondering what story I should tell for the Lost Boys" said Amanda.

"I can work on cleaning the clothes if you want" I suggested.

We started walking back and soon find Peter pan and the lost boys waiting for us.

"So ready for any new stories?" Amanda asked and clasped her hands together as I stepped up beside her.

"So she's going to be our mother? " said a boy wearing in a fox costume.

"Exactly" Peter replied.

" What about her?" The boy asked again, pointing out at me.

" Umm, she will be the helper in case your 'mother' isn't around."

" I don't want to interrupt, but what's his name?" I asked.

" Slightly" Peter pan replied.

Two boys stepped forward. One was taller than the other and is plump as well and is wearing a bear costume. The shorter one was like a little baby boy in a skunk costume.

"Hi, my name is Cubby or Curly, if you want to call it by my real name, and this is Tootles" said the older one.

Tootles shyly waved me and cowardly stood behind Cubby. I examined Cubby for a moment, and thought he did looked like a "cubby" because how his cheeks were chubby and his hands are pudgy looking. Cubby, chubby, and pudgy. That rhymes. The Twins didn't have names and just stared at me, like they're zoning out. Wasn't there another lost boy? There was only Cubby, Tootles, Slightly, and the twins. Where's the other one?

"Do you want to look at your rooms?" Peter pan asked.

"Sure" Amanda said and gestured me to follow.

"We made two rooms for you in this oak tree. And it's certainly roomy in there" Peter pan explained.

I stared at the oak tree. It's trunk seemed small that I thought I couldn't fit my whole body through the hole. I cautiously pushed myself down but all of a sudden my waist got stuck and my legs frantically dangled. "Do you need help?" Amanda asked.

"Um, I think I'm fine," I said.

"You're stuck in a tree hole. How are you fine?" Amanda shoved my shoulders down so hard that I cried out in pain as I slid down the trunk.

"Ow, don't do that!" I exclaimed as I started falling down.

"You're welcome!" Amanda shouted back as she and Peter high-fived each other. I finally reached the bottom and gazed around. The roots from the tree leaked water above my head and small seashells were decorated around the corner of the floor.

"This is so cool," I said as I picked a small rainbow pebble. Looking above the whole of the tree was small, but down at the bottom was spacious.

"Look down below!" I heard Amanda shout, and all of a sudden she fell on top of me.

"Good thing you aren't wearing a skirt or anything," I said as she got off of me.

"Wasn't that fun?" Peter said as he slid down the trunk. "This is Lily's room, and Amanda's is right next door."

"Wow," Amanda said, and she opened the door and gasped.

I peaked behind her shoulder. The bed in Amanda's room was covered with white sheets and a colorful thick quilt was spread across the wide bed. A small round table was placed next to it and a sparkling seashell gleamed as a decoration. A round stool was also placed next to the table, and a sink was in the side of a wall. One bar of soap was hanging next to it. "This is amazing," Amanda said, "I love it."

"That's good," Peter grinned, "I better go, cause I can't be in a girl's room. Sleep tight!" He flew away.

"Goodnight," We said in unison, and Amanda entered her room and shut the door.

I softly laid in my bed and closed my eyes.

The last thought I had was that it was going to be an interesting day tomorrow.

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