She felt surprised at the warning, not expecting it.

"Of course, you're always welcome here so don't hesitate to come over if you get in serious trouble. Rhi's good at handling conflicts."

Emma thought about his words for a bit and nodded, getting up from her seat.

"Alright... Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

"Always glad to help."

After that he went back to cleaning some glasses, seeming busy as always. Emma looked at the phone and checked the numbers, sending Jes a quick message.

'got the phone'

She locked and pocketed it before heading to the exit, relaxing once she left the thick air of the club. Standing out in the street for a second as she thought about what to do, she took a side turn and started walking around the nearby buildings, mapping the city in her mind. Her eyes searched the crowd for anything out of the norm, but with how extraordinary everyone looked it was hard to decide what to focus on.

She kept walking along, passing by nearby streets before entering a part of the city she hadn't been to before. After checking the pamphlet in her pocket once again, she took a less crowded path into the back alleys and kept walking. Her senses were sharp as she listened to anything that made noise or left a scent, and checked the walls to see if there was a similar symbol anywhere.

After a few hours of searching, she sighed and leaned on a wall, rubbing her temples.

"This is taking too long."

She crossed her arms and thought for a second, then quickly walked back into the wide street with a new idea appearing in her mind, surprised about why she hadn't thought about it before. With fast steps she reached the opening in front of White Heather, then turned towards the familiar path she had first taken and found the alley Vihan had found her in. Walking in, she hid inside the shadows and leaned on the wall, starting to wait. It took longer than usual, around a few hours before she felt the familiar shadowy feeling surround and pull her in. Her head spun less when she found herself in Vihan's apartment again, a pair of eyes looking at her.

"You keep waiting there for a few more hours and it won't be me snatching you up."

Vihan sounded a little scolding as he went to hang his jacket, then went and threw himself onto the couch.

"I thought you were gone for good when you stopped showing up."

"Yeah, uh, it's a little complicated."

Emma picked herself up from the ground and went to sit in the armchair near her.

"I found a trace on Jean's whereabouts, but it almost got me killed."

Vihan raised his brows, inspecting her looks,

"You look pretty fine, how did you almost die?"

Emma reached inside her pocket before pulling the pamphlet out and showing it to him,

"Have you seen this symbol before? Maybe on a wall or building."

He reached forward to take the pamphlet and looked at it for a while.

"Yeah, why?"

"I expected you would," Emma felt stupid for not going to the best informant she had in hand before going out searching, "I found something like a cult full of feral kindred, Jes saved my ass before they could maul me to death. That's a pamphlet from that place, so we think it could lead us to somewhere."

Vihan listened with attention and increasing curiousity as Emma spoke.

"'We' ?"

"Oh, right. The necromancer gal is helping me out."

Fangs of Desire (Book II) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now