Chapter 19: Hospital

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(A/N. This chapter will be a little from everyone's POV. Now, question of the day, what's been your favorite song released in 2020? Mine is monsters by blackbear and all time low.)

Asher's POV

"Ace?" I asked as the caller ID showed her name,"are you okay?"

"This is darnell. Ace is in the hospital," he told me.

"Wait why?" I asked worried, standing up and going to grab my car keys.

"She ODed. She is at the hospital, but they dont know if shes going to make it," darnell told me.

"I'll be right there."

I hung up the phone and ran from my house. I got in the car and dialed jordan. I put him on speaker phone as i started speeding to crenshaw.

"Hey Ash. What's up?"

"Ace overdosed. She overdosed J. They don't know if they can save her," I told him panicking.

"What hospital?" He asked, worry in voice.

"I'm guessing crenshaw. Darnell called me."

"Waa she with him when she overdosed. I'll kill him," Jordan said.

"I dont know. I'm pulling up at the hospital. See you in few," I hung up the phone and parked my car. I ran inside to see darnell and some random kid.

"Howd she get the drugs. Huh? Howds she get them?" I asked getting in darnells face.

He may slightly tower over me but I will still kick his ass. My sister is possibly going to die, and it's his fault.

"She didn't get the drugs from. Get out of my face white boy," he said stepping back from me.

"Then from who?"

"I didnt think she was going to do this. We started out just smoking weed, then she wanted pills, " the kid said.

"And you gave them to her?"

"She paid me the money. I knew she was upset, but not kill herself upset," he explained.

"If she dies, it's on you," I growled.

"You think I dont already know that? She was a bitch, but I liked being around. I already hate myself for letting her leave with the pills, so you dont have to remind me," he told me before sitting down.

"Asher. Chill. We are all scared as hell right now. Shes strong and she will pull through,"darnell told me.

"You dont get it. I should have known something was wrong! I should have been there to help her! I wasnt there," I said, tears falling down my cheeks,"and now it may be too late."

Jordan walked in with Olivia, Spencer, JJ, and seth. All with red and puffy eyes. I noticed the kid shifting comfortably looking at everyone.

"I need air," he said and left the hospital.

Diego's POV

"Your a fucking idiot. You've killed her," I mumbled to myself sitting by the wall of the hospital.

I wouldnt be in there looking at everyone who cares about her knowing it's my fault. I shouldnt have sold her the pills. I knew she was depressed and I still let her have them.

"Deigo," I looked up and saw seth.

I knew him from all of our competitions.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"She was going to do this wether you sold her the pills or not," seth told me,"she's been slowly spiraling for years, and we all ignored. We all said she was strong and that she'd be fine. This was a long time coming."

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