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You snap your eyes open, to find yourself staring at your ceiling as light shines through the window. You can hear birds outside chirping. You groan and squint your eyes, the blurry vision is way less than it was when you passed out but, You have the BIGGEST headache, in the history of headaches. It feels like Kendo is banging around in your skull. Memories flashback through your brain about what happened, Izuku, the inside of his thoughts. You shoot your body upright. And instantly regret it. Your head spins and the pain in your eyes makes you wanna scream. You place a hand on your head and growl. Your bed is empty, too.

"Babe?" You say weakly.

You stop. Do you even wanna talk to him? You flashback to the information you saw.

" 'Love rival: Katsuki Bakugo.' "

What does that fucking mean? Does it mean that Someone loves Katsuki who Izu loves also? The pit of your stomach drops to your knees. Is Katsuki cheating on you? Maybe he just, has an Admirer?
Should you even say anything? You recall the hostess from last night. Katsuki has so many girls who would IMMEDIATELY drop their panties for him. What makes you so special-
You shake your head, causing yourself to whimper from pain. Literally last night Katsuki said that he intended to marry you, and was totally trying to get you off of him when he didn't realize it was you.
Katsuki wouldn't. That only leaves someone being in love with Katsuki that Izu also has feelings too. Your brain immediately goes to Ochaco, which causes you to scoff. She actively had to drink to spend time with him. Not her.

You decide to keep it filed away under the "review later" brain folder and clear your throat.

"Katsuki?" You say your voice shook. After a few seconds, he walks into the room with a glass of water.

"Here." He said bluntly. Oh boy. He's mad.

"What?" You say softly.

"Nothing for now. How do you feel?" His voice is laced with concern. You take the water cup and drink big gulps from it. It soothes your dry mouth and burning throat. He holds his hand out, offering you something for the pain you imagine. You take it, pop it in your mouth and gulp it down with some water.

"There. Now, what's the matter?" You ask softly.

"How. Do. You. Feel." He growls, glaring into your eyes.

"My head hurts so bad I can't see straight. And I feel sick. All the normal symptoms. I overused it. I know." You huff. His glare deepens. You ignore him. 

"What's the matter Katsuki?"

"I can't get Deku to leave." His grave voice is filled with rage. "He won't leave till he makes sure you're okay."

"Oh. I guess you are the only one who's seen that. Aizawa hid me from everyone when it happened during endurance training." You muse to yourself.
"Can you send him in here?"

He growls again, standing up and walking into the living room. A couple of seconds after you hear Katsuki talking, Deku sticks his head in the doorway. 
"Y/n! You're okay? Holy Woah, you scared the daylights out of me last night. I didn't know what to do.." he speaks softly so that he doesn't hurt your head. "Don't worry you don't have to work today, but seriously are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine, Izu. I just overdid it." You say softly. The memories come flashing back as you sit there, vision blurring still.
"Uhm. Do the. Do the blood tears happen every time?"  You chuckle at his question and lay back down.
"No. I really overdid it. No wonder Katsukis so mad." You say mostly to yourself, running a hand through your hair.
"What made you go so deep? I feel really bad. I should have just reassured you." He says slowly, looking down at the ground. Katsuki comes in at that point with some sausage and an omelet. He puts it on the bedside table and spins on his heels.
"Reassured her about what?"

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