Chapter 2

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1 week since last chapter~

Koda has gotten quite used to his friends which helps him get used to violence, he still has long way to go but progress has been made. He is also somewhat close to being good with boxing, he mastered wrestling. Jirou was a quick learner and is about half a week off of mastering it. Tokoyami has a few new moves including a form that was suggested by Sperre, Dark Shadow will wrap its darkness around his skin to allow him to have no recoil when punching, strengthen his blows and protect his body.
Midoriya has gone up 114 pounds, currently at 678. They all found ways to fight along side each other and their favorite pet. Jirou can insert her jacks into their pet and it will amplify the beats and launch them out of its ears. They also taught it how to understand them thanks to Koda being the middle man. Weirdly enough their classmates never asked about it, but the little band just shrugged it off since they had such an adorable creature. Then one had a terrible thought.

Tokoyami: Did we even name it?

Midoriya: ummmm maybe.....?

Koda: No.

Jirou: Then let's give it a name. It's a bat-like creature so something that revolves around darkness.

Koda: Darky?

Tokoyami: Midnight.

Midoriya: No that's one of our teacher's name. How about Nightmare.

Jirou: I'll change Nightmare to Night.

Koda: I like Night!

Tokoyami: I agree.

So the creatures name is Night. Now Aizawa is watching them right now. He is highly confused about what they're talking about, so he decides to walk up to them. As he's approaching them he feels predatory eyes gaze upon him. When he gets to them he greets them and asks what they were talking about.

Jirou: We were deciding a name for Night.

Aizawa: Who?

Midoriya: Our groups pet.

Aizawa: Oh, where is it?

They all looked at him like he was stupid. He was highly confused and started looking around, he went to look to Jirou to tell him when he noticed a large head draped over her shoulder and glaring at him with yellow eyes. Aizawa was highly concerned for everyone's safety.

Aizawa: That's your pet?

Jirou: Yup! Isn't it adorable?

She scratched behind its head and it nuzzled into her shoulder blade, Aizawa couldn't lie, it was pretty adorable.

Aizawa: Maybe, where does it sleep?

Midoriya: On the couch with Koda.

Aizawa: Should I get a bed just for it?

Tokoyami: Yeah, maybe then our classmates will notice it, they're reactions will be pretty funny.

Koda: Yeah, I'd like for it to be as comfortable as possible. I think we all do.

Aizawa nodded and walked over to it and reached his hand out, after a moment he pet the top of it's head. He walked out and ordered a large black pet bed for it to sleep on.

During class, same day~

Aizawa had a schedule for the day and he had just finished checking all the students gear, he noted that Midoriya and his friends had things added recently that they brought with them from Midoriya's friend. He waited for all of his students to enter the classroom, the first was Midoriya's group, they were talking about music while they all had some form of headphones. He dubbed them the band.

Everyone was pouring in group after group and tried talking to each other, 'the band' had already split and sat in their seats. Good marks from them, bad marks from everyone else. After they noticed his presence they all sat down.

Aizawa: Principal Nezu and I have decided that your going to need to have practical training. Get your hero uniforms and go to Gamma site.

They all grab their suits from the wall and went to the site. Koda called their pet and it was there before them. Aizawa pet it while leaning against the wall.

'The Band' 's costumes:

Koda had metal gauntlets specifically made for him with padding inside to keep damage to his hands down, he had long sleeves and jeans that had steel woven closely together to help him. He also had special noise processing headphones, like everyone in their group, the headphones filtered out anything above a specific sound wave and could pick up on different frequencies by raising their hertz. These headphones were made in mass quantities with a quirk used on them. He had boots that were wrapped in steel with rubber soles.

Tokoyami had a shirt that helped by allowing dark shadow to come out and coat him. He wore shorts since he was mostly having dark shadow coat him, so he kept most his clothes light. He wore work boots that had a silencing quirk used on them. He wanted to stay simple so he mostly kept it so his clothes were lined with steel.

Jirou had speakers in elbow guards, knee guards and gloves. She also had a small speaker in the back of a leather jacket, she used a guitar that had an aux cord plug in so she could amplify her sound waves. She had a device that went on her gloves that when touching any solid object would amplify her beats and send them through the object at high rates. She had a speaker that when used to amplify her beats it would send it out louder than the front seats at a concert of a metal band.

Midoriya had a simple attire, he wore a sleeveless shirt, jeans, fingerless gloves and combat boots. He had a sledgehammer that had a slot for Jirou to insert her jacks so it could vibrate and do more damage. He had a device that was a box the size of the tip of his pinky finger, and had an aux cord on it, he was told to just try it out and wasn't told what it did other that goes in aux cord slots. The only actual specialty was that his clothes were made using a quirk that made clothes stronger than steel, but the quirk has some nasty draw backs for the user, vomiting for the next 5 hours, a pounding headache and the feeling that someone was slowly ripping out your organs and burning your nerves with a blowtorch.

The observation room, after everyone had reached it

Aizawa: There will be two people per team and they will fight another team of two.

He explains the rest, teams are the following, only saying the four of Midoriya's squad... and Uraraka.

Midoriya and Koda(heroes) vs Kirishima and Kaminari

Tokoyami and bedazzled(heroes) vs Ashido and Shoji

Jirou and Momo (villains) vs Mineta and Sero

Uraraka and  Froppy(villains) vs Bakugo and Sato.

There you have it. I'll do one fight now and the rest in the next chapter. Let's go with Tokoyami.

Tokoyami and Aoyama

Tokoyami: So how do you want to do this.

Aoyama: I can take Ashido if you can take Shoji.

Tokoyami: Deal.

As soon as it started they rushed in the building. Dark shadow went into a nearby shadow and located the opposing team. Tokoyami powered up and ran with Aoyama. When they got in the room Aoyama shot a laser towards Ashido and Tokoyami easily overpowered Shoji. It was quick but Tokoyami felt he could have done it quicker. They all headed back into observation room, Tokoyami noticed the way Jiro was unconsciously staring at Midoriya. Tokoyami chuckled about how she developed feelings for the group's leader and hadn't even realized it yet.

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