"Val, you're a little red," Aria said politely. It's like she took the words straight out my mouth.

"That's so weird, your face is red as well!" I said. We both stood there for a little while; I hate awkwardness. So I decided to step in and break the ice.

"We better get going, it's getting late," I acknowledged. What a classic thing to say; Good one Val, good one.

"O-oh, ok; I guess you're right. Um, I'll just grab my bag and we can get going." Aria said beginning to walk back to the stage. I grabbed my glass on the bench and quickly chugged the rest of it and slammed it back onto the counter. Oh, that was a bad decision; Shouldn't have ordered such a heavy beer. My head felt a little fuzzy; Things appeared to be doubling up. I closed my and squeezed them really tight...

"Uhh, Valkyrie? Are you ready to go?" I heard someone say, but I couldn't make out who it was. I opened my eyes and realised Aria was standing there with a concerned face. How long has she been standing there? 

"Sorry...just have a little headache. Let's go." I said. I got some money out of my bag and put it on the counter, then I followed Aria out of the bar and onto the beach area. I was walking a little clumsily, stumping over pebbles. Did I mention I get drunk easily? 

At one moment I lost Aria, but she was right in front of me. I laughed quietly at myself and continued walking along the sand. 

I kept walking until I bumped into something. Aria. How embarrassing.

"O-oh sorry bout that. Guess I'm a little-" She cut my sentence short.

"Drunk? Yep, I know. Here, sit down." Aria said, grasping my arms lightly and pulling me down slowly to the sand with her. But my legs gave in and I collapsed onto the sand, But I managed to position myself into a sitting position; My back was leaning on a short brick wall separating the beach from the concrete area where the bar was. I raised my head to the sky; The stars were so pretty, they shined bright above the navy blue ocean. Reflecting their white light onto the water's surface. 

"So pretty," Aria whispered. I didn't have to tilt my head to know she was talking about the stars, I could see her head raised from the corner of my eye.

"Mmmm." Was all I managed to say; I slowly began to close my eyes, read to drift off into a deep sleep. But Aria interrupted me but allowing me gently in the arm.

"Come on, now. It's nearly ten; We better get going," Aria insisted, gripping the brick wall to help her stand up. She brushed off the sand and sighed, But she put on a smile and gestured her hand to help me up. Even my drunk self knew something was up with her. I took her hand anyway.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Hmm? Yeah," she laughed softly, brushing her hair behind her ears, "just tired, that's all." 

"Oh... alright," I said. 

We both began to walk together heading to...someplace; My mind couldn't concentrate on my surroundings. It wasn't until we crossed the road, that I realised Aria had her arm under mine, guiding me back to her place. I could hear my shoes dragging across the concrete floor. 

"Thanks for helping me up; Don't know where I'd be right now if you're arm wasn't...right there," I said. What a dumb thing to say. I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my sweaty fingers.

"Probably on the floor trying to figure out where the floor is," Aria said, letting out a soft chuckle. I laughed a little along with her. We turned the corner to my parents' street. I walked across the street, towards the park where the tall green grass was.

Love story - A Skulduggery Pleasant fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now