Chapter Twenty: Brilliant

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"No regrets?" John whispered to her quietly as the two of them were squeezed together in his single bed, her body still wrapped around his, her head on his bare chest.

"None," she reassured him, lifting her head and leaning up to kiss his cheek.

Losing her virginity to John wasn't exactly how she saw her Boxing Day panning out, but Robin couldn't say she didn't enjoy it. It had been unexpected, but at the same time was just naturally where there kisses progressed to, and John had been so careful yet passionate that she couldn't even consider regretting it. When it came to John there was no such thing as regrets.

The two of them were still naked, their bodies tied together in a close embrace. Robin desperately wanted a cigarette but she'd left hers at home and knew John's packet was in his jeans pocket, his jeans that she had thrown across his bedroom recklessly about an hour before. With a small sigh she knew she would have to do without, but that was okay. John's presence more than made up for the lack of nicotine. If anything he was better, because instead of having to hold a cigarette just to have something to do with her hands, John was still playing with her fingers absentmindedly, humming the tune of some slow rock and roll song.

If she thought he was addictive to be around when they were both acting normal, being with him in bed was something entirely different. Time didn't seem to matter anymore, all that mattered was him and laying with him in his bed. As much of a squeeze as it was being a single compared to the double bed she had at her Uncle's, the lack of room made it all the more special. His arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, as if making sure she couldn't possibly fall, while her arm was wrapped onto his shoulder, trying to feel as close to him as possible. She felt so safe in their embrace, and as he kept leaning his head down every so often to push gentle kisses along her hairline, she almost felt like falling asleep.

"You look tired," John muttered quietly after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Yeah," she agreed, her eyes closed.

"Robin?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "You said the other night that you weren't ready for anything, are you sure what we did was alright?"

"John, I told you, I wanted to have sex with you," she said, her bluntness making both of them laugh quietly at the absurdity of the situation. "And clearly you wanted to have sex with me. The only thing I regret is not realising I actually liked you sooner or you pretending you weren't flirting with me constantly,"

"I quite liked pretending I wasn't flirting," he shrugged. "Made it all more enigmatic,"

"Fancy word, you sound like a poet," she commented with a laugh, relaxing as he ran his fingers through her tousled hair. "What do we do now? With the group, at college? Do you think people will know?"

"Not if we don't tell anyone," he decided. "Our little secret, remember? Feels more exciting that way,"

Robin agreed, deciding there was no harm in hiding whatever their relationship was from people. It was no one else's business at the end of the day, and the thought of people finding out made Robin feel uneasy. What she felt between herself and John felt so good and happy, but for it to become the topic of gossip felt as though it would cheapen it. It was their secret.

With that Robin decided she'd had enough of cuddling, and so moved so she was sat on John's hips, leaning down so she could kiss him. He was grinning, brushing her hair out of her face before his hands began to roam her body in a way that thrilled them both. They kissed, the passion building as if they were each other's missing pieces, though their adventure was disturbed by the noise of the front door being unlocked, shortly followed by the sound of John's aunt.

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