"What's going on?!" He pleaded for answers. All he had heard was that there was an attack on Cielo.

"Our men stopped the flames and have sent help to the citizens. She wasn't there Poe..." her voice trailed off. Her eyes began to squint as her hand raised to her forehead and she began to collapse. Poe rushed to her side catching her and gently guiding her to a chair. "I think.." she started but another wince of intense pain crossed her face.

"What's happening?!" Poes worry rising.

Leias eyes shot open.

"She's on the finalizer" she whispered.

"She's where?! Are you sure?! How do you know?!" Poe sat next to her in shock.

"I've never experienced something like this before. It was like her and another force were battling but she broke through with one word. One very clear word. The force must be strong in her..." Leia said rubbing her temples.

"What do we do now?" Poe questioned quietly waving to one of the nearby pilots to get aid for Leia.

"We'll have to figure out a rescue before they sink their dark claws into her. If she falls to the dark side.."

"Don't think about that. Well get her I'll make sure of it" Poe stood from his chair. "Let's ready our men" he waved out his fellow pilots ready to make a plan.


You woke to find yourself in a bed inside of what you could only assume was a cell. Your head was pounding unbearably making it nearly impossible to sit up. At first you had forgotten where you where and what happened, but as your vision faded in so did your memory.

An older woman sat beside you reaching over a glass of water. "Drink". Hesitantly you grabbed the glass keeping your eyes on the stranger and taking a sip of the cold water. You felt wetness drip down from your nose to your upper lip and you wiped it with your hand seeing red and tasting iron.

"He really did a number on you didn't he" she said as she grabbed a damp towel and started dabbing your face clean of the bloody nose.

"What-what happened?" You asked.

"I couldn't rightly tell you. I wasn't there. From the looks of it he may have smacked your face pretty hard" she pointed to your cheek and even just the light pressure of  her finger caused you to wince and pull back in pain. She handed you a small hand mirror so you could inspect for yourself. You saw a large handprint shaped bruise covering your cheek and the dried up blood from a bloody nose.

"Who is he?" You asked as you continued to inspect the bruise in the mirror tracing his fingerprints.

"That was Commander Ren. Best to stay out of his way and on his good side" she said standing up and leaving you to your cell.

Kylo Ren. I should have known. This is exactly why I didn't want to get involved with this war.

"You shouldn't have helped the resistance if that was true" he said as he entered the room and nodded farewell to the nurse as she slipped away.

"Get out of my head" you growled at him and backing up on your bed to distance yourself. He had now taken the seat beside your bed that the nurse had been sitting at.

"Bite your tongue little dove. You don't get to tell me what to do." He growled back. "I didn't want to hurt you..."

Rolling your eyes you said "don't call me little" as you looked into his eyes behind his mask. You could feel the anger build in him as his hands bunched into fists the leather scrunching.

Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X READER)Where stories live. Discover now