Start from the beginning

"So you can keep embarrassing me? No way." - Harry said.

"C'mon, I want to meet them." - She insisted.

"Mom, please."

"Louis, can you ask them if they want pizza?" - Anne asked me.

"I'll ask them." - I said and Harry sent me a deathly glare.

I laughed and got out of the house, heading to the car.
Liam scrolled down the window when I approached them.

"Was about to check on you. Everything is okay with Harry?" - He asked.

"Yeah, he's alright." - I smiled. - "I came to tell you that his mother wants you two to have dinner with us inside."

"She is one of those mothers, huh?"

"She is really nice."

"Good that you think like that about your mother-in-law." - Liam said and opened the door of the backseat to get out. - "Sure, let's get inside. C'mon Gael."

The three of us entered the house and everyone said their respective hellos.
Anne told us to hang around the living room as we liked, while she retrieved to the kitchen and started cooking pizzas for all of us.
I sat next to Harry, and he rested his hand on my knee, Liam and Gael sitting in front of us.

"Do you feel better, Harry?" - Gael asked.

"Yes." - He mumbled.

I placed a kiss on his cheek, and he wrinkled his nose.

"You're so cute." - I whispered into his ear.

"Shut up."

"Nah. Don't feel like it." - I said, kissing his cheek again. - "You're pretty."

"Louis." - He huffed. 

"Yes, my baby?"

He shook his head.


Right then, my phone started ringing seconds later.
It was Niall.

"I'll stop just because of this." - I kissed his cheek again. Then, I answered the call. - "Hey, mate." - I said when I picked it up.

"Didn't see you after the event, I thought we were going to get some beers, Lou."

"Oh, sorry, lad. We are actually having pizzas at Harry's mother's house."

"Can I go?"

"Mmm, I don't know. Let me ask." - I placed the phone on the table and I stood up to search for Anne in the kitchen. - "Anne, sorry to bother, but one of my friends just called and he kind of wants to join us, but of course I can tell him no."

"Nonsense, tell him to come."



I smiled at her and returned to my seat in the couch, grabbing my phone back.

"Yes, you can come." - I said and felt Niall cheering on the other side of the line.

"Send me the address."

Not more than ten minutes passed before the doorbell rang.
Anne rushed to open, letting Niall in.

"Oh my god! I know you too!" - She exclaimed.

"Hi ma'am, I'm Niall."

"I have two celebrities in my house, oh my God! I feel like I should dress up more elegantly." - She turned to look at Harry. - "Is this how it is going to be from now on? You bringing celebrities to my house, Harry?" 

"You wanted this, mom." - He chuckled.

"And, you can always kick us out." - I added.

"Oh no! Please!" - She exclaimed, scandalized. - "You're all so welcomed! Anytime!"

Niall grinned.

"If you keep cooking for us, I'll be here every day, ma'am."


When dinner was ready, each of us having chosen different topping four our pizzas, we all moved to the dining table, Harry still seated next to me.

Niall, kept going on how I had abandoned him with his performance at the festival, offended I hadn't stay to watch him.

"I'm just saying, I watched your entire setlist, with the song I helped you write by the way, and you couldn't stay a few minutes to watch mine? Where is this friendship going, Louis?" - Niall shook his head.

"Shut up." - I rolled my eyes. - "Don't be dramatic. I'm always going to your gigs when I'm in London."

"Still doesn't make up for the fact that you left me today." - He shrugged.

"I feel like such a loser because you're all talking about your awesome jobs, and I don't even have one." - Harry whispered.

"Oh, baby. I'm sure you're going to get a job soon, and then you won't stop talking about it." - I said, trying to calm him down.

Niall, who was overhearing our conversation, perked up.

"Harry! Oh my God, are you looking for a job? Because if you want one, I have one for you!"

"You?" - I snorted. - "What?"

 "I need someone to do what Liam does, but to my crew."

"What Liam does?" - Harry giggled. - "You mean screaming to everyone, following you all day like a dog, and shout at you so you get your lazy ass out of from the bed in the morning?" - Harry answered and I laughed.

"Auch." - Liam said.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." - Niall said while also laughing.

"No, thanks. I prefer to wake up in bed with Louis, and Liam screaming at us."

I laughed even louder.

"Is the truth though." - He concluded.

I turned to him and leaned down to peck his lips.

"You're going to get a job that suits you, soon. I just know it." - I said.


"Don't thank me, baby."

Harry smiled and cupped my cheeks in his hands. Placing three short kisses on my lips.

I heard Anne mumbling something about us, and Liam laughing at it. They were staring and I didn't care at all.

Harry smiled and inspected my face from close. Giggling as I crossed my eyes, funnily.
I stole another kiss from him, and we returned to the conversation everyone was having until we finished the incredibly delicious pizza.


Hi, I don't know if ever said this. But Gemma doesn't exist in this book. Harry only has Anne.

Just wanted to say that they are going to be forty chapters and an epilogue... So we are getting closer to the end :)

BUT I have a little surprise! I'm thinking about making a sequel to this one...


Mag 🦋

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