August 5, 2020

11 1 0

The depression is creeping in! Gosh, I'm so whipped.

No kidding. I don't know who you think you're talking to but I'm sure you've got the wrong number really are whipped.

Wrong number? I don't think so. Aren't you Rose Blue?

How do you know my name?

That's for me to know and you to never figure out.

You're a stalker then?

I'm not a stalker. I'm just depressed.

Okay then not-my-stalker, why are you depressed?

My girlfriend just dumped me and l feel like absolute shit.

I don't blame her. I'd probably do the same if I were her.

You're not helping, Rose.

I'm not trying to.

Why am I even talking to you?

I don't know. I'm not the stalker here.

You'd make a terrible therapist.

How awful but we both know I don't really give a damn.

That's just plain mean.

I'm sorry but I really don't know how I'm supposed to be reacting right now.

You could marry me?


Just kidding. But l do like you. Goodnight Rose.

Ooookay. That was weird. Goodnight stranger!

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