4 - fire & desire

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I often dreaded mornings, especially Monday mornings. They ruin the flow of relaxation and fun that you get to experience during the weekend. Now it was back to schedules and schoolwork.

The only thing that could make a Monday morning worse was oversleeping. And that's exactly what I did. I rub my eyes tiredly as I sit up in bed. I felt groggy and fatigued as if I didn't get any rest at all.

I look at my phone, 11 am. Damn it! I missed my lecture again! I hop out of bed and throw on some jeans and a T-shirt before splashing water on my face. I threw my bonnet on the counter and put my hair into a bun.

I grab my bag and text Bianca as I rush out of the door.

A: Are you at school??

Not even a minute later she responds.

B: Omg Ami I didn't think you were going with me. I knocked and you didn't answer.

I groan as I switch to the Uber app before I crash into something.

"Jeez again?"

I look up to see a very grumpy Dominic looking down at me. He doesn't wait for a response as he passes me, pressing the remote in his hand to one of the cars in front of him. The red 2024 Chevrolet Corvette lights up as he approaches the car door. I bite my lip nervously before following him. "Are you heading to campus?" I ask.

He looks at me, "You're terrible at keeping your promise." He sighs, "Maybe I am, why?"

"I overslept and I'm really late, would you mind if I rode with you? I promise I won't say a word." I beg.

He sighs again before motioning me to come and I smile. Hoping I won't regret this. I get into the
car and buckle my seatbelts.

The ride was silent as expected. The radio was off and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the road. I looked around the car, it was nice. No wonder people think he's a drug dealer. I look toward the steering wheel where his hand rests on it. His hands were really big, if you couldn't tell I secretly had a thing for hands.

I look over at his face as he's driving, he was lucky to be blessed with a beautiful side profile as well. His jawline was well sculpted and his brows were furrowed as he focused on the road. His lips were full and my mind wandered back to our kiss on Saturday. He was so good-looking like he was handcrafted by God himself. Too bad his personality was absolute shit. He was such an asshole most of the time, except him doing me this favor.

"Can you not stare at me while I'm driving?" He asks in annoyance.

I averted my gaze quickly, how long was I staring?

"Sorry, I zoned out." I mumble.

There was unfamiliar tension the rest of the drive to school. When we finally parked, I got out of the car quickly before shouting out a thank you and rushing to class. Some onlookers had noticed me getting out of Dominic's car and began talking amongst themselves. I roll my eyes, this isn't high school people!

I make it to class halfway in, thankfully it wasn't Crutchfield's class today so the professor ignored me. I take a seat in the far back and begin taking notes.


After the long school day, I catch a ride with my cousins to hang out back at their place. "So Ami, anything you'd like to tell us?" Isaiah asks from the passenger seat. I shake my head and he frowns at me. "You didn't come to class this morning, and then I heard you were seen getting out of Dominic Taylor's car?"

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