fifty-five || an even fight

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Kaiyo's PoV

He has a quirk similar to Aizawa's, but their fighting styles are definitely different from each other. While Bakugo and the others were still fighting against the guy in red strips, they left me to handle Bria by myself. They will know when to react when I do need backup. For now, I am still gathering as much information as I can get from this guy as we fight.

Fists were exchanged, kicks were blocked, and thrusts were dodged. What makes him a complicated opponent is not just his strength, but the techniques that he was using too. It was a deadly combination, least to say. If I hadn't known about those pressure-pointing moves, I would have been paralyzed by now. These were ancient forms of fighting, methods used to capture your opponent and take them elsewhere to prolong their suffering through torture.

It goes without saying that he finds pleasure in the pain of others. 

"This is the first that anyone has ever caught up to me. Your reaction time is pretty quick, kid." He laughed, throwing another punch to my collarbone, but I deflected it with my arm and countered with my left hand.

"Maybe you fought with amateurs in the past, mister." I taunted. "After all, I'm not even breaking a sweat, Is this all you got?"

"Don't underestimate me!"

By the way he retracted his hand, it was obvious that he gained more force before it lands on me. I quickly turned my head to the left and blocked his punching hand, my hands grabbing a hold of his arm to slam him down on the ground with greater force. Though, that didn't really go as well as planned. I managed to make him eat the dust, but not as forceful as I thought it would be.

"Gosh, you're so heavy." I rolled my shoulders back while stomping on his back, threatening to crush his spine with my heel. "Move and you'll be paralyzed forever. Do you want that?"

"Tsk, like I'd ever lose to a girl like you." He glared up at me. "You still have a long way to go before you beat me, kid."


My attention was immediately pried away at the mention of my own comrade. For a moment, I looked away from the enemy below me and found Bakugo being wrapped in red scarf. He was under control now by the enemy.

"Baku--" I was tossed off near the edge of the docks. Before I could fall down the water, I managed to grip on the edge and pulled myself up before Bria could come closer to me.

"The fact that you can never abandon your so-called friends is what makes you weak." He told me. I could only watch as he stood from the ground and dusted his clothing. "If you could lose your heart and let it rot in darkness, you will be more powerful than anyone else in this world! No one will be able to beat you with such a great quirk."

"Mister, I think you're mistaken." I chuckled, forming a stance once again. "If abandoning my friends and letting the innocent die are the price of having power, then I'd gladly let that power go. The only reason why I was granted this quirk is to protect, so what use would it be if I do the opposite?"

He smirks inwardly, almost like he was pitying me for the choice I made. "You are such a naïve little girl." He says.

"Maybe so, but all I really want to do is to protect my loved ones. I'm that selfish." I grinned back, crouching a little to prepare for his next attack. "I'm not letting any of them suffer, and I'm most certainly not letting you take them away from me."

"This is why heroes are so annoying." He sighed. "You never learn to give up, even if it costs your life. You're all so impractical that you can't even realize how useful your quirks are in creating a better world!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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