Chapter Three: The Following Days

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"Listen to me, I promise. I will make him pay, I just wish I could hit a girl too." Surprisingly, I pushed him back and stared at him with disgust.

"No you won't lay a finger on him!"

"Are you serious! Faith he fucking cheated on you! I'm not going to let him get away with breaking my little sister's heart without at least a broken nose!" He yelled flinging his arms around.

"Yes you are. Please Christian, he may have hurt me but that doesn't mean I want to see him hurt as well. Plus if he was in a fight as you said, he's probably a little banged up anyway."

"Fine but if he gets anywhere near you, I'll fucking deck 'em." I laugh at his idiocy and pull him in for a hug. I love my brother, but sometimes he can be a little overbearing. I've probably just become accustomed to it. Living with him for seventeen years and all.

"Thank you." I whispered into his ear, before we released and he walked sluggishly over to the couch.

I knew I'd have to see Alec eventually, but I was hoping it would be later rather than sooner.

"Oh and Faith, don't forget you have those summer P.E. credit courses starting Monday."

Great, I had exactly one day and fourteen hours to enjoy my summer, before I go back to the hell hole.

Now I'm just counting down the minutes.


Eight o'clock sharp. My alarm clock rings beside me, scaring the ever living petunias out of me. Pounding on my alarm I jump out of the cozy bed, only to want to jump right back in it.

Considering it's Monday morning and the only summer school class i had was P.E., I didn't even bother with looking good. I slung my hair back into a messy bun and added a swish of hairspray in attempt to tame my, many, unruly baby hairs. Swiping a line of eyeliner across each lid and a brush of mascara on my top and bottom lashes, I decided I was as ready as I would every be. Well, at least for a Monday morning P.E. session.

Reluctantly, I saunter into Satin's den, slowly making my way to the gym. Hearing the faint chatters of other students being forced to come here for two every week day for the next three months, the stingy, stale smell of sweat drifts unwillingly into my nostrils, causing my nose to scrunch up as i walk though the doors.

Confused by all the stares i was getting, I find the entrance to the girls locker room and walk down into it. After getting to my assigned locker and quickly changing into my workout clothes, I head back out, only to have my eardrums almost blown out by the coaches whistle.

"Okay students, go ahead and get stretched out, I'm going to my office to make a quick call."

Perfect. Alone. Or at least I thought I would be. A group of girls ran over to me in a huddle and all started talking at once. I could barely make out my own thoughts, let alone theirs.
"I can't believe-" "So horrible-" "You guys-" "How did you-" "Who was he with-" "Sorry-"

"Girls! What are you guys trying to say? Just spit out! One at a time, preferably."

One girl with brown hair and glasses stepped out and looked me in the eyes, quite creepily if you ask me.

"Faith, I'm so sorry." She spoke.

"For what again?"

"Um, Alec cheating on you."

"Oh, that." I mumbled. Great, I had spent so much time trying to forget that in the past two days, I ended up forgetting that it would come up.

"Yeah. I can't believe he would do that to you. You guys were like our role model couple."

Proving You WrongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz