Chapter Six

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Bilba lounged on a rock, ankles crossed and arms folded over her stomach. Heat leached from the stone through the back of her shirt and trousers, easing sore muscles. She dozed lightly, more relaxed than she'd been in a long time.

The sound of voices and the clink of tack brought her slowly back to full consciousness. The road she lazed near was a key one for caravans. It was also a major one for orcs and bandits, lying in wait for unsuspecting and weary travelers.

She opened her eyes and sat up in one fluid motion, a hand already on her sword where it lay next to her.

Around her stretched an open, rocky plain. Overhead dark clouds drifted slowly across the sky promising poor weather later. A cool breeze swirled around her, lifting a few strands of hair from the tight braids wound around her head. In the years since she'd left the Shire it had grown rapidly and now reached nearly to her hips when loose and wet enough to pull the curls out. She wore it long for her mother who could not and Primula who'd so loved the thought of it growing out, though she doubted it was anywhere near as beautiful as theirs.

Voices drew her attention again and she turned her gaze to a line of people walking along the trail a few hundred yards off to her left. The group was mid-sized for a caravan, about twenty or so in total. Most were male but she could see a handful of women as well as a child or two darting among the wagons and ponies.

As they drew nearer she realized they were dwarves. They were coming from the wrong direction to have originated from the Blue Mountains, however, which meant they were most likely from Erebor or the Iron Hills.

Bilba grimaced, glancing toward the sky again. Nothing but clouds darted overhead. The last thing she wanted was for Syrath to show up and start going on about Erebor again.

She saw one of the dwarves point her out to another. The entire caravan ground to a halt and the two who'd seen her started picking their way in her direction. Bilba sighed in annoyance. She often patrolled this road and most on the Shire side of the Misty Mountains knew to leave her alone. She would protect them, kill any orcs or bandits that threatened them and, in return, they stayed out of her way. That was how it worked. She neither wanted, nor needed, socialization. This group in particular was very near Rivendell and she knew there were no orcs for miles, they didn't need her.

The two stopped just below the rock she sat on, staring up at her as if they expected her to suddenly do a trick to entertain them. She glared at them, her face blank but neither seemed very impressed. Bastards.

"Greetings," one of the males called up. He was large, as most dwarves tended to be, with flaming red hair and a thick beard. "What's your business in these parts if I may ask?"

Bilba bristled at their arrogance. Definitely from Erebor then; only they would have enough egotism to demand what she was doing in the Wild, as though they had any right or claim to it. She thought of Bofur and the others from the garrison. From gossip she picked up on her infrequent visits to Bree she knew most had been offered positions in Erebor after the attack but, to a one, they had all refused and chosen to stay in the Shire to help rebuild. They had felt personally responsible for the inability to keep the orcs out and insisted on making it right.

She personally doubted anyone from Erebor would have done that. She was glad Bofur hadn't ended up leaving; no doubt the pride would have rubbed off and corrupted him.

The second dwarf, white haired with elaborate braids, elbowed the redhead in the side. That one grunted and Bilba raised an eyebrow, wondering how strong the older must be for the redhead to have felt it through his armor.

"My apologies," the second dwarf said, his voice surprisingly soft. He bowed politely at the waist. "My name is Dori. My rude friend here," he indicated the redhead, "is Gloin. What he meant to say to you was 'greetings, friend. Would you happen to know if the way ahead is safe?'"

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