31. Freddy's search.

En başından başla

"What is your name?"

Stacy finally seemed to process what was going on.

"Huh, what, who are you?" she was now looking around.

"What is your name, bitch!"

Freddy barked at her.

Stacy shook her head.

"Don't call me that! My name is Stacy. Who are you?"

"Stacy, huh? Okay. Why did you drive here and where the hell is Y/N? Do you know Y/P?"

Stacy wasn't eager to help.

"Wait for a minute, you still didn't answer my question!"

Freddy rolled his eyes and ripped off his beanie and scarf off, revealing his burnt face.

"I'm your worst nightmare! Now answer me!"

Stacy wanted to protest but didn't. She was too terrified to protest this guy now.

"Okay, okay! My name Stacy and Y/N has been friends with me for a long time. And this morning I couldn't find y/p but I found her car by Kyle's house and it even had the car keys still. I had no idea where Y/N was because Y/P wasn't answering the phone. So I got into the car and used the GPS to see where Y/P last went. And that's why I'm here."

Freddy raised his hand. "Hold on, who is Kyle."

Stacy shrugged.

"Oh, he is just a guy who has a crush on Y/N. I actually thought that he was with Y/P but he said he didn't know where Y/P was. But I found Y/P car parked not far from his house so like, it is all very weird, now that I think of it. Hmm."

Freddy sighed a breath of relief.

"Do you know where this Kyle lives?"

Stacy snapped out of her thoughts.

"Oh yeah! His address is 1208 Backer st."

Freddy nodded and headed out the door. Now he knew exactly what to do. Stacy jumped around on her chair.

"Wait what about me?! I won't tell anyone about this I just want to go home now."

Freddy looks back. He rubbed his chin.

"Sorry, can't trust you. But I don't have time to torture you. But killing you quickly isn't fun either."

Stacy looked at him horrified, tears going down her eyes.

"What? No, please! I SWEAR I WON'T TELL!"

I won't tell
I won't tell
I won't tell

Those words were all too familiar.

Freddy looked up at Stacy but instead, he saw his wife.

Oh no. That day. That day when he lost everything. She ruined everything. No no no!

Freddy ran at her and grabbed her by the throat and shook her until the blood started pouring out of her mouth. He threw her on the floor and started to stab her in the heat of anger. Her face became deformed and her whole body was covered in blood. Freddy stopped after he ran out of breath. The vision of his wife faded away.

He looks down and saw Stacy's demolished body. Damn it! Now he has to hide the body. Cleaning was optional. But then again it might still smell. Sigh.

He got up and tried to calm down. He was pissed off at the fact that Stacy triggered such a painful memory. But he couldn't do anything about it. Now he just has to deal with her.

He took a bag and put her body in it. He then bleached the rug and everything that had blood. He then changed his clothes and put those into the bag as well.
He then took the bag and a fuel gallon, went outside, and walked deep into the woods. He threw the bag into a hole that used to be a bear's den. He poured the gasoline and lit it on fire and watched it burn, making sure to not start a fire. This was risky but he didn't care.

After an hour he was done, all evidence was destroyed. Now he can resume with his plan to find Kyle's house.

He entered the address. 1208 Backer st.

"Your route is set!" The GPS chirped. Freddy gripped the wheel and exhaled.

"Let's go."

A/N okaaayyy a short chapter and a looooong chapter! I'm really getting into writing this story again because I just came up with a bunch of new ideas for it so expect lots of updates. Hope you like this chapterrrrrr.

Published: January 2, 2021
Edited: May 20, 2021

To Fear or to Love?  Freddy Krueger fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin