Chapter 9- In For A Real Treat

Start from the beginning

"You're late, Mr Horowitz. I assume you are trying to continue your bad boy facade," said Ms Drew, her face irritated as she took her eyes off of her computer.

I could've laughed but a simple snicker sufficed. My eyes teared from the scene in front of me before I ended up stifling my laugh loudly. Ms Drew did not have a filter.

He cleared his throat. "See, Ms, that's a lovely way to put it but I was speaking to the principal," Kai replied and Ms Drew nodded.

"You may take your seat," She told him.

He didn't need to be told twice as he strutted over to his seat and sat down next to me, a grin on his face.

I looked away with a roll of my eyes.

Instead, I focused on the outside. It was sunny, not a cloud in sight. Lately, it had been quite nice weather which was odd considering it had been raining a lot of days.

I wasn't complaining at it though.

However, I was complaining at my new project partner. Luck really wasn't on my side. I mentally rolled my eyes and slouched into my seat as I kept my sight on anything except for Kai.

Anger was still radiating off of me as I remembered what he had said the other day and boy, was it unforgettable.

And not in the good way.

He sat at the seat next to me as he propped his veiny forearms on the table. His eyes were fixed ahead at the board but I doubted that he was focusing.

I was surely not going to start a conversation.

The rest of the class were discussing with their partners whilst we were silent as that poem.

Silent night?

No, okay.

My teacher was passing my table when I called for her and she gave a me a look to continue. "This is partner work and is forty percent of your grade," She reminded me and I had to suppress an eye roll.

I sighed as I fiddled with my leave underneath the table. "Is it possible to switch partners, please?" I asked, putting on a begging face.

Ms Drew simply shook her head but her face was anything but sympathetic. "I'm afraid you can't, everyone is assigned a partner. You know that, Ms Campbell."

I would've groaned loudly but that would've led to detention.

Not a second after, she walked away leaving Kai and I to talk.

"Ouch, Darling," Kai faked a hurtful look and place a hand where I assumed his heart would be. Except, he didn't have a heart.

"Get over it, asshole," I retorted with a fixed smile on my face.

His smirk turned upside down and into a frown. "What happened to Pretty boy?" He winked.


I put a finger on my chin to act like I was considering it. "I think asshole suits you better."

He hummed and raised his eyebrow as if this was amusing.

Nothing about this was funny.

"Pretty boy is more truer, don't you say?" He countered, playfulness in his tone.

I gritted my teeth and turned my attention away from him. He didn't deserve my attention so I began to jot down notes in my book. "I beg to differ," I muttered.

I was still very much annoyed at what he said that day by the lake. He hadn't even apologised and three days had passed.

"So, what's the project about?" Kai asked, curiously as he kept his eyes on mine.

"A poem," I said, blankly.

He rolled his eyes and made a small noise before saying, "Care to elaborate?"

I shook my head.

Kai narrowed his eyes as he shot me a look.

Instead of giving him an answer and letting him win I nudged a piece of paper containing the poem his way. He read it, his jaw fixed and looked concentrated.

His breathing was steady and I could hear it clearly due to our closeness. Once I realised, I moved to the side a little, trying to keep as much distance as possible.

"Ah, She Walks In Beauty," he muttered, still staring at the paper. After a second, he looked at me. "A love poem."

I snatched the paper out of his hands. "Yep, now shut up," I sneered.

He smirked. "Ooh, is the princess mad?" Kai chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair which made it very messy. I clicked my tongue.

I tried my best to be composed so I ignored him. "We're gonna annotate this so you can do this part and I'll do this," I ordered as I pointed at our selected parts.

"There's no time now is there?" His eyes were on the clock, making me trail to it. "Five minutes left." The clock indeed showed the time, it was spinning and mocking me. I still had one class left hence my mood.

Thank God, Kai isn't in it- at least I think.

I groaned, knowing that we'd have to spend more time together.

"My house, Friday after school." That's all he said before he gathered his stuff and got up.

My eyebrows shot off my head.

I'm going to go to his house?

No! No way in hell!

The thought of going to his was rather unsettling and I dreaded going there. His room was probably plastered with pictures of half-naked girls.

And not to mention, his family would be there. I didn't know if he had any siblings but I wasn't intending to find out anytime soon.

"Why can't we go to the school library?" I asked I thought about even stepping foot in his house. Where he lived. Where he probably took many girls to.

"I don't do school libraries."


That was the stupidest thing I had ever heard.

I stood up in response, causing my chair to squeak. Luckily, everyone was too busy with their work to pay attention to our antics. "Hey, I don't know where you live!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around as he shot me a grin, "I'll text you."

"You don't know my number and you can't walk out of class, there's three minutes left!" I shouted at him but he was already near the door.

"I'll find a way and I don't care!" I could hear him talking in the hallway which made me slump back into my chair.

Was there really a way he could get my number?

Oh great. I'm in for a real treat. Not.

AN Okay, so first off, I am so sorry for the late update, I have just been really unmotivated and I have sooo much work, it's crazy!

Sorry this is a filler and short but next chapter is gonna be good so stay tuned. Please note that these are not heavily edited so it's not perfect, feel free to give advice!

Also, happy another lockdown! Let's see the sequel, shall we?

HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!!! I almost forgot, this is my first chapter of 2021- jan 6th. It's midnight as I write this.

Thanks for reading :)


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