Who am I kidding again by wishing a silly cliche storyline to happen? Remember, he doesn't even remember you. How will you help someone who is traumatized for years? I wonder in my absence what cause him this frustrated that he has become like this. And the reason behind his melancholy was a mystery to even his father, Mr Mayer.

Then the car entered a huge gate that was very tall, about 8 feet, I felt like an ant, and from the window, I was able to capture a mesmerising sight. Above the Mansion lies the dark sky, and the light from the Mansion was gleaming beautifully. But only I know what was underneath the beauty.


After the car was parked in the parking lot, soon a maid was waiting eagerly for my arrival. Soon I  was following her to the floor and stairs, she was in charge of taking me to the destined place. Both of us dragged our feet to walk as fast as we can, and capturing the expression over the maid's face I was sure the situation wasn't what I expected to be. Her expression tells the things that I don't want to face.

Soon I heard a twitching scream again, fully vibrant over the brazen Mansion. when the voice entered my eardrum it felt like my ears were bleeding. It felt like it was bleeding.
In front of my eyes, I observed more people were standing in the hallway next to a room, at least I saw two men and one girl whose expression screams horror. I gulped, when I heard the hideous scream again, it was the echoed of someone who was tortured for years.

I was welcomed with an unfriendly gaze when I run to the next room. On reaching there, at least 10 people were standing in front of me, who was the worker of the Mansion. The way they were inspecting my presence was not quite pleasant. They stared at me with unfriendly eyes like I wasn't supposed to be here. I was out of place.

I didn't understand why they were treating me so indifferently.

I heard another desperate scream, a scream that gesture to someone to set them free. I inwards my foot towards the room, still not feeling easy by the stares I received. It didn't matter to me since I was more focused on Matthew.

In the corner of the room, I found Matthew pulling his strands of hair as if he didn't feel any pain in pulling his hair. His eyes were wide opened, despite the tiredness visible in his eyes, like he wasn't asleep for days.

" Young Master, please calm down." I heard a butler pleading to him. But I was thunderstruck when Matthew glared at him, with such amount of hatred that I couldn't measure.

" Don't you dare touched me, the consequence will not be good." Matthew said I was disappointed to find his voice scary instead of sweet. He looked less like a summer schoolboy, he looked not less than a psycho killer.

" Young master please take your medicine, you're sick."

Matthew's eyes grew larger, and the dark patches around his eyes grew more hideous. He was breathing heavily, and he was trembling looking at the floor. But wasn't exactly staring at the floor, rather he was in thought according to my senses.

I run out of words, this doesn't felt like reality. It was like I was stuck in my nightmares that I was trying to awake from. How should I be awake from this horrendous dream? But then I remembered Mr Mayer consolation.

" Sometimes reality is worst than a nightmare that we are inhabiting."

" All of you, don't stand there like a stupid faggot. Go and catch him." I heard Mr Mayer who was standing some distance away from me.

The four butlers forwarded their steps on his command, Matthew heard their steps and inspect their intentions that he glared at them with a massive hatred that was enough to burn a person. Every one of them froze on their track, pale blues was dreamy that was what I thought, I didn't know that pale blue eyes was scary to screw someone's determination.

" I won't repeat, catch him or else you're free to pack your belongings the next sec." Mr Mayer said, that every one of them was distressed in losing their jobs. Sweat dripped from their foreheads because both of the blue eyes was not scarier than a monster.

Someone forwarded his steps, Matthew suddenly threw a flower vase towards his direction, it landed on his head, and blood slides down his face. My limbs were trembling, so Mr Mayer called me over at night to witnessed his other cruel side. Why did he think I can handle him, he has lost his sanity, he is insane?

" Dammit. Catch him before he hurt someone again." Mr Mayer said, clenching his jaw.

He said someone again, does it mean he has hurt someone in the past? Matthew grabbed a lamp, glaring at us as if we want to feed on his sorrow like we were his worst enemy.

He threw the lamp, in our direction hopefully it wasn't in my direction. But there another painful voice echoed in the room, there I saw fresh blood oozing out of a maid's leg. Tears escaped from her eyes, and she sated at her limbs unbelievable when she noticed the large price of glasses inside her flesh. Thankfully she was taken care of by her coworker, I noticed her exiting the room.

Matthew began to threw drinking glasses, a clock and some other things in our direction that we were forced to emigrate from the room. But I couldn't run away, I couldn't run away, my organs stop responding to my commands.

Only me and Matthew was alone in the room. He was screaming, pulling his hair, punching the wall causing his flesh to tear apart, blood was everywhere. The smell irritates my nostrils, I want to vomit.

He was pulling his hair again, and repeatedly will be screaming like he was giving me a hint in how much he was in pain. He grabbed a chair and smashed it into the wall, fragments broke apart, some were stuck into his face, his face was bleeding as well. I closed my ears with both my hands when he screamed again.

" Stop it Matthew, please stop it," I said, tears escaped from my eyes.


Thank you for reading.

To Hide  A WoundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin