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chapter one ;
the blue orchid


it was another day in which alexis found herself bored out of her mind. she sat outside, admiring as the snow fell down slowly. she reached her hand out so she can watch as the snowflakes melted the second they touch her warm palm.

"hey." she heard someone call out, looking back she sees the familiar man himself, technoblade.

aj and techno have always had a love and hate relationship. one that siblings usually have (though they aren't). most of the 'hatred' only ever came from her.


techno sat down next to his friend, he proceeded to pull something out of his pocket. "tommy and i went to.. well that isn't important, uh but i grabbed you this blue orchid. there wasn't that many so i.. i just grabbed this one."

a blue orchid was alexis' favorite flower. seeing as the area that techno and her live in there aren't many, when he goes on adventures outside of that proximity, he always made sure to bring some back.

she smiled, appreciating the gesture. she accepts the flower, "thanks."

"yeah." he sighed, while looking around he asks, "where's ghostbur?"

"he's inside. i don't know if you noticed but it's snowing."

"hi techno!" they heard wilbur's voice call out from outside one of the windows. he waves at his sister and friend, "it's snowing out! i cant come out! but i'm watching aj from here, i promise!" 

techno chuckled, "got it." he glanced over to her, "did you come out here to avoid him? because if you did that is so cruel, aj."

she shook her head, looking down at the blue orchid. "no, i enjoy his company, honestly. but i just happen to enjoy the snow. i don't know why, it reminds me of something. as if it has some kind of significant meaning to me.." she thought out loud.

techno nodded, "i mean, i don't know, maybe a past life or something? i don't know."

aj looks over to him, she lets out a chuckle. "do you believe in that? i seriously would have never thought."

he shrugs, "i'm sure we've been on this earth more than once, kid. but anyway, what have you and ghostbur done today?"

"we made a cake. also why do you call me kid? we're literally the same age.." she laughed.

"if we want to be technical here, you're only older by a week."

"yeah.. exactly. im older than you!"

he shook his head, "whatever. you still act like a kid so.."

before they could continue the conversation, they heard tommy scream. "AH AH AH GUYS GUYS GUYS!" he ran towards them in panic, stumbling onto alexis.

"what the fuck tommy."

"hey! what did i say about the language?" techno scolded, before noticing what tommy was yelling about. a zombie.

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